Chapter Ten: Protect this house.

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HEY GUYS DEDICATED TO blazethecat2904 you made my day asking for an update😘 HERE YA GO ( CHRIS ON SIDE )


Lacey slipped out of the room, leaving me and Chris helpless, angry, and painfully aroused.

I grunted as I tried to yank the cuffs from my red wrists.

I glanced over at Chris to see him laying there just staring at the ceiling.

Twisted my back as kicked him, his head snapped towards me and his eyes narrowed.

"What the heck was that for man?"

Wow, girls really don't like him for his brains.

"Um, hello we are handcuffed to the bed if you haven't noticed."

He shrugged and returned his gaze to the ceiling.

"I never knew Lacey didn't wear glasses, did you?"

Chris sounded like a love struck teenager.

"Yeah, sure" I pulled at the cuffs even more.

"Did you feel how soft her hair was?"

"Yes Chris." I sighed and looked at him.

"But even with as much as I'd love to discuss everything about Lacey, we need to get out of here."


My eyes widened at his question.

"Well, don't know about you but I could go for a shower."

He nodded still looking dazed and gave a weak pull to the chains.

"But did you see her, I mean man!"

Anger bubbled inside of me and I glared at the lust sick boy beside me.

"Come on!" I gritted through my teeth.

"She's beautiful."

"Shut up!"

"I'm going to ask her to prom."


Chris finally looked at me.

"What's your problem. It's not like you weren't thinking it either."

"STOP, Justin won't even let you look at her if you do that."

Chris rolled his eyes.

"If I didn't know better, I'd say you have a little crush."

My muscles froze and my walls came up.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Chris grinned.

"Ok. so that settles it. I will go to prom with Lace and you won't mind."

I grimaced and nodded.

Chris chuckled and pulled on the cuffs, without hesitation the cuff fell off of his wrists and into his free hand.

"She didn't buckle mine good."

I gaped at him as he got off of the bed and slipped into his jeans.

"Where are you going?" I asked

"To ask out Lacey."

I bit of jealousy took to my veins, but I pushed it down.

"Without unchaining me?"

He groaned and unlocked mine with the key Lacey left.

I rubbed my raw, swollen wrists and sprung off the bed.

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