Graduation Plans

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Haruna was an anxious person. She was a perfectionist and worrywart. Sometimes that served her well as a member of the Disciplinary Committee. Other times, though, it made life a hassle. Graduation was nigh, and it should've been a time of celebration, but all Haruna felt was dread. There was a lot to wonder and worry about regarding the future, and Haruna didn't just mean academically.

She couldn't help but wonder and worry what would become of her and Miyu, both as individuals and a couple. She had no idea what Miyu's graduation plans were. She barely even knew what her own were! And that uncertainty was unusual for her, which made it all the scarier. She paced the garden alone, trying to clear her head, but no amount of pep talks or attempts to focus on nature would work.

Soon, she found herself worrying about herself and Miyu not just in terms of whether or not they'd stay together, but whether or not Miyu would even want to. What if Miyu only started dating me because she was too nice to say no? What if she secretly can't wait for graduation, when she can finally be rid of me?! Oh, am I being too weird and clingy and overbearing, fretting like this? I'm sure if she found out, she'd be annoyed!

Am I driving her away without even realizing?! Ohh... What am I supposed to do?! How can I ask without being weird about it?! Come on, Haruna, get a grip! Panicking like this won't help! But... what if...? Urghhh it's been two and a half months now, why am I still like this? Why does she still make me feel like this? Will I ever be able to confront her like a normal—

"Haruna?!" One simple word, one simple name. That served to distract Haruna faster and better than anything else that entire week.

"Miyu?!" She felt both elated at hearing the other girl's voice, and embarrassed that she should see her like this.

"I was wondering where you were! Is... everything all right?"

"Huh? Oh! Yeah! Of course it is! What ever would make you think otherwise? Everything is absolutely fine here, Miyu!" Haruna tried to smile, but Miyu only shook her head with a knowing smile of her own, placing her hands on her hips and tilting her head.

"Haruna..." Maybe earlier in their relationship, it was easier for Haruna to hide, but not so much anymore.

Haruna's shoulders slumped in defeat. It wasn't just Miyu's ability to read her so easily. It was that whenever she was around, Haruna suddenly didn't want to hide anymore at all. Such a feeling was still a little foreign to her and it thrilled and frightened her in equal measure. But as Miyu got closer, Haruna forgot everything else, including how to breathe. There was electricity in the air, she could feel it. This time, though, the electricity energized her rather than draining her. There was nowhere else in the whole world that she would've rather been.

"Haruna, what's wrong? Please tell me?" Miyu gave the other girl her most earnest expression.

"Miyu..." There was no point even trying to fight this, and she knew it. Haruna sighed and tilted her head in defeat. In the back of her mind, though, she couldn't help but notice how time seemed to stop whenever Miyu was around. She always made everything feel better, even just by being there. And suddenly, nothing else mattered except for this one perfect, little moment with her, frozen in time. Miyu always calmed her down so easily. It was like magic, but that had nothing on what was coming next.

Miyu could tell that Haruna was struggling to find the words, so she decided to use a different love language: touch. If she wanted Haruna to talk, she needed to help keep the other girl grounded first. She took Haruna into her arms and pulled her close. Haruna's eyes widened. Miyu also paused, raising her eyebrows, a silent request. There was a beat, then Haruna gave the faintest of nods.

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