1 A normal day and a normal boy

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Cw: feeling alone

Shun Kaido pov

I walkes to school alone again. I sighed as I hung my head. I had to pretend to be happy at school so no one would suspect anything. I had my hands in my pockets as I walked and looked at the floor.
"Shun Kaido!" I heard someone called. I looked up. It was Aren Kuboyasu.
"Kuboyasu!" I said, smiling.
"I thought we said we where on first name basis?" Aren Kuboyasu smiled and messed up my all ready messy hair. I smiled at him. He always made me happy.
"Thanks..." I said. I began to neaten up my hair again.
"Aw, do you not like what I did with you hair?" Aren smiled. I gave him a look and he laughed.
"So Shun, I was wondering if you wanted to meet for lunch again today." Aren asked.
"R- really?" I asked.
"O- Okay!" I smiled. "I have a new plan to try and track down dark reunion!"
"Yeah! They are close to attacking, I know it! I just need help to defeat them. Someone strong like you would be helpful!"
He laughed. "I'll help."
I smiled.

I sighed. Class was dull. I had one thing on my mind. Aren Kuboyasu. I don't know why he was on my mind.
The bell rang and I went to the canteen. I smiled as I saw Aren.
"Shun!" He smiled.
"Aren!" I ran over. He smiled as I joined him.
"How did the maths test go?" He asked.
"Horrible!" I sighed. "I think I actually know nothing about maths."
Aren frowned. "Don't be harsh on yourself. I'm sure you did okay."
I sighed. "You're just saying that cause you do well. I barely pass anything and it annoys my mum."
"Come on, I'm sure you did fine. There's no point to dwell on it now Shun."
I smiled. I liked the way he said my name. There wasn't really anything different about how he said it, but it just sounded nice when he said it.
"Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the park after school." Aren said. "Just for some chill time I guess. Tests have been hard and all and I thought a break would be nice."
I smiled. "Yeah. I would love that Aren."

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