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"WE NEED TO WHAT!?" He screamed from the top of his lungs. "Can you tone down your voice?! They might be near." He signalled the blonde guy with a wig. "Kamala told us to do that, so you can't disagree with the kiss. Besides I should be the one worrying. You aren't a good kisser."

Just then, Banjo arrived with 2 glasses of fresh wine on the tray, which he was holding it with his hand, like a professional. He placed the tray down at the table, signalled to Biden about the news reporters and left the place.

"Me? Not a good kisser? You might need to reconsider that. If anyone's a bad kisser, it's you." The wig guy smirked. "Then prove it to me." Biden said taking a sip from his glass.

Trump stood up from his chair, went close to Biden's place. ThEiR fAcEs wErE iNchEs aPaRt, trump sLowLy leaned his lips on Biden's lips, which slowly turned into a passionate one, with Trump leading it.

He slowly broke the kiss apart, "Have they left yet?". Joe's eyes widened when he said that. "How did you know about it?" He asked with an agape. "Saw the signals." He smiled within himself.

"Nope, not yet. Banjo will probably bring the steak soon." He assured Donald, changing the subject. "How was it?" Donald asked him with confidence, as he thought he did it pretty well. "How was what?" He returned back to him with a pretending face of an innocent face.

He gave an obvious smirk, leaning forward towards him. "If you don't answer it, I might have to do it again. Joe gulped down his saliva. "It was, uh, fine."  "Really?" He leaned a bit further more. "Still not changing it." Though he sounded confident, hiS hEarT wAs bEaTinG pReTtY fAsT. "They've left." He changed the topic.

Donald sat back down at his chair, while Joe called Kamala.

Joe: Are the pictures posted? Are they convincing enough?

Kamala: Yes they are, and wow, I didn't know you both would pull it off THAT good.

Joe:  Well, most part of it was me. So you should appreciate me for the kiss looking
            that natural.

Kamala:  Probably the reason why it looks like Donald was leading the kiss.

Joe:  Is it that obvious?

Kamala:  Sadly for you, yes. But don't worry, you'll be the one taking the place instead of him....someday.

Joe:  Thanks.

Kamala:  Keep up the same acting pace. Anyways I have some important work to do,
                    so, I need to go. Bye.

Kamala said and ended the call. She went to her desk and searched "gay quizzes" in google, to know how gay Joe was for Donald. She took out all the changes in him and got a 69%. Beads of tears formed in Kamala's eyes, 'cause she knew that Biden was more gay than 69%.

The news of Donald and Joe kissing spread really fast. They soon became trending. The lady with her karen haircut saw this. This time she wasn't going to lose hEr jOe. 'Donald is crossing his limits. I must do something soon.'

"Ms. Clinton! A call for you from GSN." Her assistant yelled. "Tell them that I'm coming." She said, flaring her nose with anger.

"Yes ma'am." Her assistant replied.

ForBIDEN  Love  [Biden x Trump] Enemies to loversWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu