"What?" Ally and Bella turned to me, 

"Who?" asked Bella,

"Severus," I instinctively looked at Ally but then averted my eyes when I met hers.

"Why?" Bella continued to question me,

"I stunned Potter," I explained, "Mother told me to, he thought that she did it," Jo jumped onto Bella's dusty bed, curled up and went to sleep. A loud bang made us all jump and we turned to the window where a large grey owl was fluttering. 

"It's Errol," Bella ran over to the window and opened it,

"Who?" Ally questioned,

"One of the Weasley's owls," I gasped and ran toward the bird that was holding out its leg. I took the letter as Bell brought the great bird inside, "It's from the twins," I recognized the handwriting on the front as George's. I quickly opened the letter and began to read the letter out loud which was written in Fred's curly handwriting,

"Dear Bella and Ebony (and probably Ally),

We heard about what happened at Hogwarts, Ron and Ginny got sent home with the bad news. It's very sad that Dumbeldore is dead, I don't know how the three of you will cope without him next year at school. Ron told us something, which is more than he usually says to us, he told us that he saw the three of you and Malfoy leaving the school with the Death Eaters. We know you're parents are DEs but we didn't know that you'd go with them. Mother is in a state about us dating you now, though we don't care, we know you're not DEs.

Love your boyfriends,

Fred and George Weasley"

I let my arm hang loose beside me as I finished the letter. "They're half right," Bella said with fake lightheartedness. 

"Molly's in a state," I whispered, I felt myself start to cry, "Is there anyone fine with us dating them?" I looked at Bella, "Mother, Molly, Lucius, Severus, everyone is against us being fucking happy for once," I started sobbing into my hands. Ally came over to me and put her arm around my shoulder,

"Draco and I are happy that you're dating them," she said quietly, "We think you and Fred are one of the most perfect couples at Hogwarts," 

"Really?" I looked up at her. She nodded softly. Severus came into the room and I stood up quickly, wiping the tears away from my face and turning away. 

"What?" Bella's voice was laced with venom as she spoke,

"The Dark Lord requires Ally and Ebony," my breath hitched in my throat and I quickly did a concealment charm to make my face look normal. 

"We'll be back," I said simply to Bella and grabbed Ally's hand, pulling her from the room and down to the dining room. 

"Ah," The Dark Lord was facing away from us when we entered and we stood next to Draco who was already there, "You're here," I didn't dare reply. 

"What is it, my lord?" Ally asked softly. 

"I wish to punish the people who have disobeyed me," I felt Ally's hand grab mine. Severus came down the stairs, "Is her door locked?" the Dark Lord asked,

"Yes, my lord," Severus looked tired and sad. 

"Good," The Dark Lord finally turned and I looked at my shoes, "Silencio," I tried to speak but no sound came out, I knew what was coming next. 

Bella pov

I waited a while, bored out of my mind, feeding Errol a piece of bread, Jo was staring at the owl. I finally stood up and went to the door, I grabbed the door handle and twisted. The door didn't budge. 

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I hissed under my breath. I pulled and pulled. Then I grabbed my wand and said, "Alohomora," I pulled but the door was still locked, "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck," I said gradually louder. I paced in front of the door until I finally sat down and wrote a reply to the twins,

"Dear Fred and George,

We miss you both terribly and we were so surprised and sad when Dumbledore died. Do you think that Molly would be ok with us coming to the Burrow this summer? If not, that's fine, but it's boring at the Manor and we don't have much to do.

Love you both,

Bella and Ebony."

I quickly folded the letter up, gave Errol the rest of the bread and then sent him on his way, and then I went back to pacing. 

2 hours later

The door slowly opened and I opened it wide as Draco, Ebony and Ally gradually came in. Ebony went over to the couch and sat down. Ally and Draco, leaning on each other, went over to Ally's bed and both lay down, soon their soft snores filled the room and I went to sit next to Ebony.

"What did Voldemort want?" I asked,

"Don't," she winced when I said his name, "Don't say his name," 

"Sorry," I replied, "What did he want?"

"Just to talk about Dumbledore's death, he wanted a full recount,"

"Why didn't he ask me?"

"He didn't want to disturb you," Ebony answered. I nodded softly, but I could see it in her eyes, she wasn't telling the truth, not the whole truth anyway. 

"You look tired," I told her,

"That's what every girl wants to hear," she chuckled weakly. 

"Go to sleep," I said seriously. She nodded and stood up, slowly going over to her bed and lying down, fully clothed, and falling asleep. I silently crept out of our room and went to the one that Uncle Severus was staying in. I burst into the room, making him jump slightly. "What did he do?" I asked,

"Who?" Uncle Severus' face was slightly bruised and he looked like he was limping as he moved to put the book he was holding, into the bookcase.

"He tortured you and them didn't he?" I accused, 

Severus look down his nose at me and then said, "Yes," I ran my hand through my hair and paced the room.

"I'm going to-," I murmured, 

"Don't go and say anything to the Dark Lord," Uncle Severus said quietly, "If you go against him, he will have no sympathy for you, he will just add you to the list of people to torture," 

"He's my Godfather he wouldn't-"

"He would," Severus said slowly, "He would torture you, and he would enjoy it, he would torture Ebony and Ally in front of you just as Lucius did, and you wouldn't be able to do nothing," he slowly came toward me, "He knows curses that you could never dream of, the things of nightmares. I am warning you for your own good, do not go against the Dark Lord and say nothing of this conversation," he looked down at me for a few seconds and then swept out of the room. I let go of my wand and let it fall to the floor. 

I thought that when Lucius went to Azkaban that it would be the end of the torture. But it seemed that we just traded Lucius for the Dark Lord himself. I slowly bent and picked up my wand. I walked back to my room and looked around at the sleeping bodies. Ally was asleep on her bed, curled up in a ball, Draco was behind her, putting a protective arm over his girlfriend. Ebony was lying silently on her bed and moved every few moments. They looked so peaceful, different to what they were an hour ago. 

I sat on my bed and conjured my Patronus. The Nebelung cat walked around on my bed and then sat down on the bed beside Jo and fell asleep. I leaned against the dark, wood bed frame and shut my eyes, blocking out the thoughts and problems of the day. 

6th Year Disasters - Book 7 [COMPLETED]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें