The accident

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As they were walking they had to cross a four-way intersection. They pressed the button to cross, they crossed the cross walk but Papi Heard Julia scream "DADDY WAIT CAR." ... It was too late. The car was going 70 at a 20 limit. Who does that?! Papis eyes flashed but before he passed out the last thing he did was grab Julia and hug her tightly very quickly. Like it was an instinct.

But for Julia, the last thing she felt was her dad hug her with care and comfort. As police and ambulance pull up G sits back wondering why they aren't back. She turns on the news to see a crash just down the road with two victims. She thought "is that Papi and Julia?!" "No no no it can't be." She grabbed a sweater and ran out the house. She ran faster than ever down the road. She saw the crash. She screamed "WHO WAS IN THE CRASH DONT TELL ME IT WAS MY DAUGHTER AND HUSBAND" the neighbor who witnessed the crash and knew her and her husband very well replied with "Ma'am I'm sorry but it was..." G fell on the floor sobbing. She screamed seeing by the blood on the road, it was horrible.. She kept screaming for her child and husband as the ambulance took them away. She followed it to the hospital.

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