𝒙𝒊𝒊. feel so bad

Start from the beginning

olivia rodrigos lover ;)
i love u too<3

chris evans lover💘
changing your name now angel.
be safe and call me whenever you
feel like it!

'chris evans lover💘' changed 'olivia rodrigos lover ;)' to 'the cat destroyer ;)'

the cat destroyer ;)
you're so weird

chris evans lover💘
thank you, i hope it made your laugh tho

the cat destroyer ;)
it did, thank you jess<3

chris evans lover💘
i'm glad, you're welcome marls<3

SINCE MARLEY DISCOVERED THE GIRL SHE LIKED had a boyfriend, she'd been miserable. Call her dramatic and she'll flip you off because her therapist told her to never push away her emotions, especially the strong ones.

But it wasn't only the whole Olivia getting a boyfriend deal, not all of it at least. It was that it brought up memories of her ex-girlfriend and first love who ended up leaving Marley's heart in a thousand pieces. So, Marley Chavez felt guilty and angry. Mostly at herself.

For falling for a girl she could never have. For thinking that maybe just maybe one day Olivia would tell her she felt the same way. For never thinking. But also for having such strong feelings. When Marley felt something, she didn't just feel it. It was like this amplifier was plugged into her emotions and whatever she felt would come out much stronger that normal.

That she hated herself for.

Pulling the sage green cover further up Marley stared into her bedroom wall. Her phone was dead, and she was pretty sure it had been for the last twenty-four hours. Meaning the people she knew was probably worried at this point. But honestly Marley couldn't care less.

Because at this point she felt like staying in her bed the same way she'd been for the last three days.

Being so deep in her thoughts the brunette didn't even hear the sound of her front door being opened. But as soon as a loud knock was heard on her bedroom door she blinked rapidly coming back to reality.

"Come in." She almost grimaced at the raspy voice she spoke in, guess that's what happens after not talking to anyone for three days.

Feeling someone sit down at the side of their bed Marley didn't even bother to turn around. "Hi baby." The soft voice of Sofia Chavez spoke as she stroked her daughter's cheek.

"Your phones off, we've been really worried about you. Especially when Jess called and said you hadn't even been answering her." Sofia continued sharing a worried look with her wife who stared at their daughter with a pained expression.

There was no lie that Marley had been struggling with depression and anxiety since a long time ago. Both Eliza and Sofia knew very well their daughter's history with her mental health. They had tried everything they could. But lately it seemed to be better but then this one thing came around the corner and she was right back where she was a few years ago.

"I'm sorry." Marley whispered out. She hated how weak her own voice sounded.

Blinking away the few tears that started to gather in her eyes Sofia sucked in a breath shakily. "Don't be sorry Marls. You know you never have to apologize for your feelings, especially not to us. We're your moms and we love you so much." Turning around to face her mother Marley stared at the woman.

Her dark brown hair was a mess, and there were big dark bags under her eyes showing her sleeping schedule hadn't been on its top, and her skin that was normally tanned was now pale.

"Oh baby." Sofia breathed out as she engulfed her daughter into a hug making the girl close her eyes. "Have you been taking your meds lately?" She asked softly sharing a look with Eliza who gave her a nod to check the medicine cabinets if there was any sign of Marley actually taking her meds.

"No I- just, I just can't take them mom. I hate being on pills, they make me feel so bad." Marley whispered as she and Sofia broke up the hug, Sofia laying down beside her daughter as Marley placed her in the position, she was in earlier but now with her back pressed against her mother body and Sofia's hand around her waist and in her hair. Softly stroking it.

"I know it can be hard, but they're supposed to help you Marls." Sofia responded as Eliza entered the room again with three bottles. Showing her wife the labels, Sofia frowned as she realized the last time her daughter took her receipts out was three months ago, and the bottles were still almost full.

"But I was doing so good, its just this whole Olivia situation made feel so much déjà vu from a few years ago."

Both Eliza and Sofia shared a look remembering the time when Marley got cheated on and what bad mental state she was in after.

"I mean she couldn't even tell me about him. And I know there was no obligation to tell me but still." Their daughter spoke up. "And now once again I'm stuck with all these strong feelings for this girl who doesn't even feel the same way. And is probably straight."

"Welcome to the gay life." Eliza spoke up earning a glare from her wife. "What love? We have to be honest with her." The woman told Sofia who rolled her eyes.

"Look Marls, being a woman lover comes with its complexity. The number of times you'll fall for a straight girl isn't even countable. But the number of times you will fall for other women lovers are hopefully much more. Probably not, but we can hope."

Staring at their Mama, Marley couldn't help but to let out a small chuckle through the few tears that had escaped from their eyes. Small smiles creeping onto their mothers faces too. "There's that adorable smile we love to see." Sofia bopped their nose.

After a few more minutes of talking Marley found themselfwith packed bags to stay at their mothers' house until Jessie came back. Just so Sofia and Eliza could make sure nothing got worse.

viola speaks . . .
very long chapter but this was my way of representing some of the sides of depression and anxiety. now you might not been able to relate or you might, however i ask you not to be mean to my oc or anything. doesn't matter if they're a real person or not, there are people who suffers in this kind of way so please be respectful :)

also the summary!

so marley is feeling pretty down over the whole olivia and her new boyfriend situation. and jessie is on a lake trip with her boyfriend so marley is home alone. she ends up staying in bed and then her moms come there. they talk a little and then bring marley to their home until jessie is back.

𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐈𝐍 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ⎯  olivia rodrigo.Where stories live. Discover now