Chapter 1 Escape

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(This story is meant for thoes who are over or at the age of 13 but if you don't mind a bit of death then continue on with the story)

In a laboratory a young teenage girl woke up to pain all over her body, she felt like she was hit by a truck. However she couldn't feel her right arm, left leg, and right eye. When she looked around she saw that she was in some kind of laboratory that looked highly advanced.

"Ugh, where am I? And who am I?" the girl asked herself as she couldn't remember anything. She put her left arm to where her right arm was supposed to be but when she did she felt cold metal. When she looked down she saw that her right arm and left leg were replaced with robotic limbs with glowing blue lights on them.

"W-what on earth! W-what happened to me? AGH!" the girl screamed in pain as her head started hurting again. It felt like somebody was banging on her head like a kettle drum with baseball bats (whatever those were to her as she couldn't remember). Just then a memory came back. She remembered being in a house with three people she couldn't recognize and strange men were taking her away. The three people were being held back by other men, she remembered that she was crying and calling out to them. The strangely familiar people were cursing out the men and trying to reach for her.

The woman kept on screaming, "NO DON'T TAKE MY VIA AWAY!"


"AHH!" The girl screamed in agony as she felt like someone was tasing her brain. Thankfully the pain subsided after a bit and the girl took a long deep breath in, held it in, and let it out. "Ugh... oh yeah that's right, my name is Via! And those other people, who were they? And how did they know my name?" Via asked herself.

She sat there for sometime, thinking about the recent memory that came to her mind. So many questions were going through her mind right now, but she didn't know how to answer any of them. She didn't know where she was, who she was, what was going on, or if there was someone who would help her out.

"Ugh, it doesn't matter, I need to get some answers, so I better find someone who'd answer them," Via declared to herself, her muscle memory then kicked in and she was able to get out of the bed, even with her robotic limbs.

She saw that she was wearing a purple cybernetic tank top and blue shorts. She looked around the room and saw that there was a mirror, sink, and toilet. The room walls were a dark blue and the floor was a light blue. Via wondered if this was her room, but it didn't look the slightest bit familiar to her. That alone told her that she didn't belong here so she had to leave and hopefully find somewhere that was familiar to her.

"Hmm I wonder what's going on here and what happened?" Via asked herself. She got up and gingerly walked over to the mirror to take a look at herself.

However she struggled a little with the robot leg but she managed to get to the mirror. When she looked in the mirror she saw that her right eye was replaced with a cybernetic eye that glowed a mix of blue and purple, which explained why she wasn't half blind. She was also able to see her clothes much better now and that her hair was really short and was purple.

In the center of her chest at heart level was a strange device that was shaped like a circle and had a purple heart in the center of it. The device was beating like a real heart which made Via scared that whatever it was it must be keeping her alive.

Just then a big man along with four other men in black with masks opened the door. Via looked at them and she couldn't recognize any of them, but a sense of fear and dread crawled up her spine, like something but she couldn't remember what. So that alone told her that whomever they were, they weren't good news and would possibly harm her in some way she didn't want to think about.

The Cyborg Gamer Girlजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें