"Nah, I just owe Tommy now," Techno said, chuckling. "I said you'd be too repressed to do anything."

"You fucking bet on me?" Wilbur asked. "You know what? Nevermind."

Techno laughed again. "So, am I finally spared of the sexual tension?"


"What should we look out for to, uh, leave the house for a bit?"


"Will you finally-"

"Techno!" Wilbur shouted, louder that he had intended. Techno stopped, the playful smirk disappearing from his face. "We're not together. We won't ever be together."

Techno was silent for a moment.

"He pushed you away."

Wilbur nodded. It was all he could do. His voice would break.

Techno sat back against the wall, letting out a short sigh. Wilbur pressed his face into his knees.

"I miss him," Wilbur said, his voice almost entirely quiet. "Why the fuck do I miss him?"

He turned to Techno. "What do I do?"

Techno looked to him, taking a deep breath. "I'm... not good with this stuff."

Wilbur turned back to curl in on himself, closing his eyes tightly to stop tears from forming.

"But, maybe just give him time." Techno said. "And try to talk later?"

Wilbur nodded, feeling numb. "Yeah. Yeah I'll do that."

Techno nodded, seemingly proud of himself. He stood up, reaching a hand out to Wilbur. "You've gotta be hungry. You had like two pieces of toast over the past two days."

Wilbur took his hand wordlessly, Techno having to practically haul Wilbur too his feet. He swayed a bit, his legs once again protesting with a subtle ache he always ignored. His stomach twisted with hunger.

"I'm okay," Wilbur said. "I'll grab something later."

"Alright," Techno said, pursing his lips. "Come out when you're ready."

"Just out of my room, right?" Wilbur said, smiling for he first time in two days. God, it felt like a year.

"Whatever you wanna think," Techno said, clapping Wilbur on the back.

"Thanks, Tech," Wilbur said. "I don't say that enough."

"Alright, too sentimental now," Techno said. "You'd better start existing outside your room or Tommy'll come in here."

Wilbur laughed, following Techno out of the room.

The air seemed to change as he crossed the doorway. Heavy to something he couldn't quite recognize.


He pushed the thought away.

The morning was dull again. The cool air that usually woke Wilbur's mind just chilled him, forcing his hand of wanting to go back to sleep.

Tommy hadn't allowed that.

He dragged Wilbur out to sit in fold-out chairs outside the back door, watching the clouds fade from red to orange to pink.

"Alright bitch, it's been three days and Techno still won't tell me what's happening," Tommy said. "So, what happened?"

Wilbur rolled his eyes. "Just tell Techno that I said he could tell you."

In Cold Blood (A Tntduo Fic) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora