Chapter Forty-Six

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I was honestly surprised when I managed to successfully escape the tower.
I thought someone would come after me the moment I was out the door.
But I heard no one following me as I ran down the street.
I knew where the Hydra base was. I had been there before. I knew it was too far on foot, so I hijacked a motorbike to drive there.
I parked about a five minute walk away, so they didn't know I was there.
Of course, they would know I was coming back. They knew I'd do anything for him, even if I was putting myself in danger.
I reached the building and snuck in.
I made sure to be quiet, even though hardly anyone seemed to be around. I felt weaker, but I was sure I was still strong enough to take on anyone that came near me. But that's not why I was there.
I wanted to do one thing. Find him. Then we'd go home together.
Eventually, I came across the room in which I had been stuck in during my confinement. I ignored it and carried on down the hallway.
Then to my great relief, I found who I was looking for.
I stood opposite him, and smiled slightly as he looked up at me.
"Y/n" he seemed as relieved as me.
Then I realised something, and my smile was disguised with a frown.
I hadn't told Rumlow anything, but what if they had done something.
I gulped nervously and stepped towards the bars separating us. He did the same.
"Weiner?" I questioned.
His smile had gone before I said that, but now his eyes settled into a more intense glare. Yet I still noticed the corner of his mouth creep into a smirk.
"I thought I told you not to call me that."
"Bucky" I happily corrected myself.
"Hey doll" he smiled.
He reached his hand through the bars and cupped my cheek. I shut my eyes.
He stroked away a falling tear.
I felt myself pushing my face forward until my forehead pressed against cold metal.
Bucky took his hand away, replacing his touch with a kiss on my lips.
I opened my eyes the second we parted to face him.
"Can we get out of here now?"
"Seems fair" I chuckled, and excused myself to find a key. It was left on a table on the other side of the room.
I took it and returned to the cell.
I pushed the key into the lock, but paused before turning it.
I frowned at the key in my hand.
"What's wrong?" Bucky asked.
I looked at him, slightly nervous.
"You don't think this is too easy?"
"It just seems too... easy" I said again.
Neither of us said anything so I turned the key and let Bucky out.
I calmly went to set the key back down on the table again.
I turned, and almost fell back as Bucky stood close to me now.
His metal arm wrapped around my waist; I enjoyed the touch of his warm skin against my cheek as he brushed away the hair. Then he held my cheek in his hand as he leaned forward to kiss me. He stopped, his lips hovering just over mine, teasing me. I felt his breath ripple down my neck. It felt... so good.
"I love you doll" he whispered.
Before I could answer, he kissed me with a strong desire and passion. I returned the favour, holding on for dear life.
Our bodies stayed connected, close to one another, but Bucky's face left mine.
We smiled widely at each other, forgetting where we were in that moment.
"Let's go home, hm?" he suggested.
I pecked his lips and picked up his hand, then turned to stand next to him to walk out side by side.
But I froze. I immediately squeezed Bucky's hand with fear.
Standing in the doorway, blocking our exit, Rumlow stood. Calmly. Arms folded. Leaning against the doorframe as though he had not a care in the world.
"As beautiful as that was" he smirked. "You're not going anywhere."
"I swear to god if you hurt her again" Bucky warned, stepping forward and pushing me behind him. "I will kill you."
"Oh, but see, you won't" Rumlow chuckled.
Despite Bucky's attempt to look strong, fearless, brave, I could see the confusion and hint of worry in his eyes.
"We never really needed you soldier" Rumlow continued. "You're old, outdated, no one really wants you anymore. The Winter Widow on the other hand, y/n is young, talented, so much potential. So skilled and yet she has so much more to learn. Y/n is what we need. We don't need you anymore."
Bucky shifted more, physically shielding me now so Rumlow could barely see me. I moved to make eye contact with him.
"Then why did you need the code words" I asked.
Rumlow looked to me and grinned.
"Just an excuse to hurt you sweetheart" he smiled with his filthy rotten yellow teeth. "Made you think we were hurting you for a reason, for information, but really... I just enjoyed it."
I felt Bucky about to move so I grabbed his hand to stop him.
Attacking Rumlow wouldn't do anything. I knew he was armed.
I couldn't see an easy way out of this.
"So what? You're gonna let Bucky go?"
As soon as I asked, I knew the answer.
"Of course not."
"What are you gonna do then?"
Rumlow shrugged and reached behind his back.
You hadn't noticed the gun in his holster before.
"NO!" you screamed and dived forward before either of them could stop you.
Rumlow fired without hesitation but you knocked the gun away so the bullet missed Bucky.
You shoved Rumlow onto the ground and landed on top of him, then repeatedly punched at his face.
All the anger that had been building up inside you, you channeled into your hits. Everything that Rumlow had ever done to you, you were getting him back for it now.
From the corner of your eye, you saw his hand weakly creeping across the floor.
You took a final swing at his face, and you watched his arm stop moving as you had finally knocked him unconscious.
You picked up the gun that he had been reaching out for and stood up.
You stood over Rumlow's motionless body, frowning at the subtle sign of life as his chest was still slowly rising and falling. You watched him for a moment.
"Y/n..." Bucky spoke softly behind you.
You lifted the gun and shot. He was dead by the first bullet, but you fired until they ran out.
The blood leaked out of his face and pooled around his head.
You lowered the gun to your side, then opened your hand to let it fall to the floor.
You let a tear roll down your cheek, an icy touch on burning skin.
You opened your mouth and took a deep wavering breath.
You clutched your stomach slightly.
Bucky stepped closer to you and slowly wrapped his arms around you from behind.
You relaxed against his chest.
He placed a kiss on the top of your head and mumbled into your hair.
"It's okay doll. It's all over."
"Bucky... Buck I need- I need to sit down for a minute" you said slowly.
You rested your eyes as you put more weight into leaning on Bucky.
"We need to get out of here..."
"Just... one minute" you whispered.
You suddenly collapsed and Bucky barely caught you.
He slowly lowered himself to a kneeling position, then gently placed you on the floor. He had to roll you slightly so you were lying on your back.
"Y/n, what-"
He trailed off when he noticed.
Your hand was covering it, but he saw the red seeping through your fingers.
When the bullet had missed Bucky, you had been hit instead.

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