Chapter 2: Chaos Lunch

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The first thing the ender prince was greeted by was a yell, spooking him. Ranboo looked around confused before finding the source. An annoyingly bossy blaze-born was being chased by two toned haired avian girl who held a bucket of water.

"FUCK OFF BEAU!!!" screamed Jack, as he jumped over the counter.

Beautie just cackled in response as she hopped on to the counter. Ranboo watched silently by the door, not wanting to get involved since water was deadly to him. He continued looking around the Pube. There were heated plates of food on a separate table, which is where he saw a small person in a blue cape stealing a large bread roll. The ender prince smiled before creeping over to where the person stood. He raised his hands before closing them around the tiny person. A small yelp was muffled in his hands as the bread roll landed back on the plate.

"Hello tiny man" greeted Ranboo.

"RANBOO!? Put me down you ass" demanded the inchling, attempting to pinch Ranboo's inner palm.

"That's not how you talk to a prince, you peasant, '' huffed Ranboo

"Well this isn't how you greet someone" fired Sneeg.

"How rude, might I say" stated Ranboo, as he dropped Sneeg into the nearby flower pot.

The inchling made an upset noise before flipping off the ender prince. Ranboo returned it by blowing a raspberry. Ranboo moved towards the food once more, only he should have the first pick since he was royalty. He grabbed a few things to add to his plate before moving towards one of the window seats, away from the chaos still going on with Beau & Jack. Wilbur had arrived & was getting food for himself and Sneeg, since the inchling was now perched on his shoulder. The ender prince looked up toward the beams where Phil settled himself with the crows. He held his own plate of food, feeding pieces of bread rolls to the crows. Slightly annoyed Phil was the one to get first dibs but was glad none of the pesky birds were poking at him for food.

Though speaking of birds, Ranboo noticed his non annoying avian companion wasn't present, nor was his bee buddy. It seemed everyone else was arriving except them. Niki had popped up from her tank, chatting away with Wilbur & Beau. Scott was consoling Jack at the counter. Fundy was plotting away something with Sneeg & Charlie near the food table, & Technoblade was sitting with Phil on the beams. Everyone was here, except Tommy & Tubbo. Then, as if summoned by the thought of their names, the Pube doors slammed open. A blonde red winged avian slide in the building, with a brunet bee boy at his side.

"Good Afternoon, my loyal patrons" greeted Tommy, bowing.

"Greetings comrades" waved Tubbo, also bowing.

"Where have you two been?" questioned Wilbur, leaning forward to see the boys.

"You guys were supposed to help me with the Pube" called Jack, crossing his arms.

"And help me organize the library," added Wilbur, fixing his hat.

The two boys exchanged glances before shrugging.

"Searching for escaped farm animals" blurted Tubbo.

"Escaped farm animals?" repeated Jack, lifting a brow.

"In the rain?" commented Scott, concerned

"Yeah, because someone opened all the gates to the farm" exclaimed Tommy, very loudly.

"We also had to fix the hole in the chicken coop roof or else they would get cold or get kidnapped," added Tubbo, fluttering his wings.

Ranboo guessed it was caused by either Fundy or Beau since they were the only ones to pull stunts like that,

"Well whatever, just go get your food" sighed Wilbur.

The two boys nodded & darted towards the table. They grabbed a few things before moving towards where Ranboo was sitting by the window.

"Ranboo!" greeted Tubbo, as he sat atop a nearby table.

"Where have you been, we check your house but you weren't there" questioned Tommy, settling right beside the ender prince.

"I got stuck helping Phil & Wilbur with the library since it was raining" sighed Ranboo, leaning against the blonde avian.

"Sounds better than running willy nilly around in the rain" remarked Tubbo.

"Yeah, I wanted to see if Will had any books on flight or more fantasy novels" stated Tommy.

"Fantasy?" asked Ranboo, lifting a brow.

"It's a type of story genre that is made of human tales about magical things that they only see in dreams, like dragons & fairies," explained Tubbo.

"Me & Phil have been mistaken as angels in the past and a human child called Tubbo a fairy just the other day when farming with Techno" said Tommy, flapping his wings.

"I mean, Tubbo is quite small," claimed Ranboo.

"Fuck off! You are just a tall bastard" huffed the bee boy, flipping off the ender prince.

"Anywho, did you see any books that caught your interest?" inquired Tommy, in between laughs.

"Yeah, but not long enough before dust started staining my gloves" explained Ranboo, pulling out white gloves he pocketed earlier.

"You can wash 'em later. Me, Tubbs & Bo are going down the obstacle course after lunch" said Tommy.

"Wanna join us?" asked Tubbo, his wings flapping wildly.

"I need fresh air anyways, so I guess I don't mind spending time with the commoners" sighed Ranboo, holding his head high.

"Alright then, boob boy" smirked Tommy.

"Stop calling me that, you gremlin" retorted the ender prince.

The red winged avian & bee boy bursted in fits of laughter, before hushing themselves back into simple conversation.

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