"Shall we begin with our normal questions?" He said more than asked, as he flipped through the pages of the file.

"What is your full name?"

"Lyssa Maniae Kavian."

"Where did you live?"

"5660 crimson heights rd redwood Minnesota 55331."

"Where are you now?"

"Osawatomie State Hospital, Kansas."

"What are you?"

Lyssa raised a questioning eyebrow at this question, that was a new one. "Vampire."

Dr. Roman Fairhope gritted his teeth slightly. "What kind?" He stressed.

Oh, that's what this is about. "Malkavian."

He pulled out the notes from one of their previous sessions, along with a checklist he made of Lyssa's derangements.

"In our last talks, you mentioned a 'Great Wolf''. Would you like to elaborate?"

Lyssa felt a tingling in the back of her mind. "The Great Wolf? The Great Wolf is coming, but she's not here yet. No, not yet." Lyssa's eyes moved from side to side, searching for the answers in the sea of voices. "I wonder, does anyone know about the monsters you keep?"

"Yes. Some know about what I keep here. But that's not what I'm-"

"What about the ones down in the House of Horrors? I hear the Echoes."

"How do you know about that?" Dr. Fairhope asked, irritated that Lyssa always knew about things she shouldn't.

"The voices. Duh. You should really get out of the Horror House. There's something there, hidden. In the darkness. Something bad, really bad." Lyssa said, her words trailing off into silence.

"Lyssa?" Dr. Fairhope half-yelled.

"When is a door not a door?"

"Lyssa, can we get back on track?" He sighed, annoyed at Lyssa's antics as he checked the box for schizotypal speech patterns.

"Back on track?" Lyssa slightly rocked her body left and right, she found it hard to keep still while trying to sift through the voices.

"Yes, Lyssa. The Great Wolf?"

"Oh, her!" Lyssa giggled, "Like I said she's not here yet, not ready."

"Ready for what?" Dr. Fairhope pressed.

"The battle, duh. With the other."

The Dr. jotted her words down, this was something new. He kept his pen ready as Lyssa began to speak.

"That doesn't matter now. Not now...Not yet..." Lyssa's words trailed off, she was silent for a moment, then suddenly jerked her head to the right.

"I see..." Lyssa was pulled words from the static in her head. "The Demon Wolf."

Dr. Fairhope's eyes widened, "Demon Wolf, do you mean... Him?" It couldn't be, the Dr. tried to reason with himself. He'd heard the stories, saw the destruction that wolf could cause.

"Him?" Lyssa looked at the Dr. and tilted her head in confusion. Her brows then furrowed in frustration. "No! Not him, silly! That blind old wolf!" Lyssa let out a laugh, "The first Demon Wolf, she is much older than him. Stupid wolf took her name. She's mad."

"At him?"

"No, not him. Her anger goes back farther in time. Much farther. In the times of dragons and Daedra. The Great Wolf stole something that the Demon Wolf cherished greatly."

The Insanity Of Lyssa Kavian (Kol Mikaelson)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя