Du Feiyang said with a swollen face, especially shameless.

    Zhou Xiu gradually raised her eyebrows. She felt that she did not do badly in the exam, but Teacher Wang from the Rocket Class was very angry and bluntly said that she failed the exam.

    Could it be that except for her... everyone else did well in this exam?

    Zhou Xiu took out the test paper from the drawer and stared at the bright red number on the test paper for a long time.

    Zhou Xiu admitted that her foundation was not very good, and she used opportunistic methods, but she tried her best.

    Zhou Xiu thought slowly: If the competition class does not want her, the school will not have her share in the collective registration for next year's mathematics competition, so she will sign up on the official website in her own name.


    next door to Winner Class.

    This section is Pharaoh's math class.

    Lao Wang gave a lesson to the students in the Wenna class as usual.

    "Zhang Qi, don't tell me, your math is taught by a physical education teacher."

    Besides Qi Yaguang and Wenna class in the Rocket class, there are many students who make low-level mistakes even in basic operations. Pharaoh's blood pressure finally Uncontrollably soared.

    This test of number sequence and geometry involves a lot of calculations, and many students are directly confused.

    Old Wang looked at the student's unconvinced look, and hehehe sacrificed his weapon.

    "Let me show you how they calculate it." He took out a copy of the test paper written by the student.

    This math test paper is very beautiful, all the ticks are dropped, but all the steps written are correct, and the results of each step are correct.

    However, the method used for each question is different from the conventional method.

    This classmate did not take any shortcuts, but chose a thankless algorithm that required several times more calculations than others, but it was written correctly.

    shit. Is it even possible to solve this problem?

    So simple and rude!

    Lao Wang said: "Although I don't recommend you to use this method, but people's thinking is clear and simple, and their computing ability is strong. These advantages are enough to throw you a few streets. If you use your little brains to write this solution, huh--"

    Directly It's dead.

    Pharaoh turned over the first page of the test paper, revealing the bright red number.


    This time, only Xi Shaoyuan scored 80 points in class 25, and the rest of the students were mostly in their early 60s or failed.

    A seventy-five point suddenly appeared, brightening the blind man's eyes.

    Which god's test paper is this?

    Is it Xu Haobo or Li Simiao? Or Qi Yaguang.

    Anyway, no one in their class has this score.

    But Lao Wang didn't show them who was writing the test paper. He saw the horizontal column with the class name next to the score, and it showed half of it: Gao 182

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