Screw the Chapter Name

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A slight gleam of the sun shoots itself across the room in orange and yellow shards. Y/n looked near the window that welcomed the light into the room and saw that someone opened the blinds. Unbeknownst to her, she had somehow been transported to Parker's room. Y/n turned herself into her side to face a peacefully sleeping Parker who kept his arm around her body, clearly not wanting to let go. She assumed that Millie was gone since Parker was still inside the house and not somewhere with her.

Where's Chester? Y/n thought as she made an effort to turn around and to not wake Parker up. Though Parker held his arm protectively around Y/n, Chester still pressed his own body up against hers in the same protective way. After many minutes of trying, Y/n was able to leave the bed without waking the two of them up. She went over to the window and looked out of it.


A soft blanket of white cast upon multiple far away houses and fields. Y/n shrugged and looked back at Parker and Chester who she had made sure were asleep when she pulled herself out of their grasp, but they actually weren't asleep at all.

Y/n was very excited at the fact that Millie was out of the house and she finally could have some moments with Parker without her sadness, or a person like Millie interrupting it. Y/n ran at Parker with open arms and hugged him tightly, it's an understatement to say that both he and Chester were both bewildered. Parker put his arm around Y/n's waist and caressed her fluffy, snow colored cat ears, making her create a purring sound that vibrated her entire body.

(I know what you all thought about, and I couldn't be more proud ✋😌)

"Is Millie still here, Parker?" Y/n asked as she looked him in the eyes with hers half closed.

"No," Parker told Y/n and Chester. "But let's not worry about her, we have something else to talk about." His face showed an enthralling smirk as he turned his head to look Y/n up and down. "Recently, we both have never spent a lot of time with you at the same exact time." Parker explained, Y/n was confused at first, but then assumed what he meant. She looked at Chester; he looked like he also understood what Parker was getting at.

Though Y/n assumed what he meant, she still didn't want to straight up randomly start doing something sexual without confirming that's what he was talking about. So she asked. "What do you mean?"

Parker let out a sinister laugh as he spoke. "I'm pretty sure you know what I mean." That sentence confirmed what Y/n assumed.

Though Y/n was excited about what was about to happen, someone walked outside the doorway. It couldn't have been any of them since they were all in one place.

The long-necked figure trudged across the floor, its long brown hair barely reaching the middle of its back. A short sleeved white dress ripped at the shoulders covered the woman like figure, so as to not want to show any kind of nudity which was halfway decent of it.

"Son of a bitch not another fucking demon!" Y/n cursed out, the feeling of her vocal cords vibrating against her throat roughly as she yelled. She got out of the bed and ran into the hallway. The sound of deep, low groans and screams along with splattering followed shortly after. Y/n came back after all the noise.

"So much shit happens to women like me, it's so annoying," Y/n explained as she sat down.

"What do you mean?" Chester asked, confused at what that could mean.

"Y/n's like me, we're always getting in some sort of trouble. Most of the time the love interest has to save us, but this time I saved myself! I'm an independent woman!" Y/n exclaimed loudly with her hands on her hips.

"What are we gonna do about Millie?" Parker asked, now holding a camera. Y/n sighed heavily.

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