i keep wanting you when i shouldn't

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Him finally agreeing to race Noah back then was... a mixture of several things. 

First one, the second chance thing. Women are volatile by nature, and maybe Kwon Hyeok could get a much more unbiased assessment of her in a different setting. Second, he was admittedly curious; this was a world-class cyclist. Challenging him, a nobody from a small country with an even smaller community of cyclists. And third... 

The reason was that maybe the child in him, the one that constantly craved attention, latched onto Noah the first moment she messaged him out of the blue. 

This... this 'fixation' of his is probably unhealthy, maybe even dangerous, but Kwon Hyeok isn't the type to be the better guy. Isn't the type to stop doing something because it's not right. If anything, he's the guy who would happily jump on the chance to fuck shit up. And he would do so with gusto; case in point, fucking up that guy from Trident Crew. 

Wooin-hyung had warned him, that Noah wouldn't stay. Reminded him that for all of Noah's eagerness to look the other way in regards to their ruthlessness, she's still something good. Pure

Something Kwon Hyeok shouldn't sully with his dirty, dirty hands. 

(Wooin-hyung grabbed him by the front of his jacket and pinned him against the wall, the moment Noah left. It wasn't often than Wooin-hyung would get pissed at him, but it has happened before. 

"What do you think you're doing?" Wooin-hyung asks, his voice icy with his anger, and Kwon Hyeok rallies all of his courage and recklessness not to look away. 

"I had to get the cops off of us." Kwon Hyeok manages to gasp out, feeling Wooin-hyung's arm press down more and more on his throat, making it painful to breathe. "They didn't recognize us, I promise-" 

"Is that really all?" It wasn't a question, even if sounds like one, and Kwon Hyeok looks away with a grimace then. Wooin-hyung hisses in displeasure, and he releases Kwon Hyeok with a annoyed sound. "Hyeok-ah, Hyeok-ah, I warned you, hadn't I?" 

He did. Fuck, Wooin-hyung did. 

"You did," Kwon Hyeok replies quietly, his throat hurting and his voice coming out faint. But nonetheless, he looks at Wooin-hyung, hopes the older man can see- "But I'm greedy. You know this." 

Uncomfortable silence falls over the four of them, Minseok gnawing on his thumb anxiously while Wooin-hyung calms himself down. And Joker-hyung- 

"Let it go, Wooin." He finally says, seemingly taking pity on Hyeok. Joker-hyung doesn't flinch under Wooin-hyung's sharp look, but instead adds to his statement. "If Hyeok wants to experience heartbreak, let him. You know he does what he likes, whether you approve of it or not." 

... Not the most flattering of defenses, but thank you Joker-hyung. 

The tension breaks when Wooin-hyung whines, saying; "Yah, Joker-ah, aren't you supposed to side with me?!" He gestures to Kwon Hyeok with exaggerated movements. "Scold your son properly, aigo!" 

Joker-hyung clicks his tongue and reaches out to flick Wooin-hyung in the forehead, and judging by the very audible tak! of Joker-hyung's finger against Wooin-hyung's forehead, he put a lot of force there. 

Confirmed when Wooin-hyung yells in pain and clutches at his forehead, looking at Joker with a look of pure offense. 

"He's not my son and neither is he yours, so stop with the creepy family roleplay you have going on." 

"Denying???? Your own child?!?!" Wooin-hyung scoffs, and he immediately stomps after Joker-hyung when the oldest of their group begins to walk away with a sigh. "Yah, get back here, I'm not done with you-!" 

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