round and round; you're up in my head darling

Comincia dall'inizio

To anyone who would see them, there would've been no doubt as to what shenanigans they were up to, and... Well. 

("[I can't believe we lost Hyeok.]" That was Wooin's voice, and Noah and Hyeok both look towards the mouth of the alleyway. "[Joker-hyung, you really didn't see where they went?]" 

"[All I know is that he went over to his No-ah and made a fool of himself.]" That was Joker. "[They must've ran down one of the tunnels.]" 

"[You don't think they got caught, right?!]" Noah doesn't know this voice. "[I mean, that'd be shitty; we got Hyeok's girlfriend her own jacket only to get caught by cops-]" 

"[Minseokkie, if you don't shut the fuck up I'm stapling your lips together.]" 

Silence from the others, and now all Noah could hear is her and Hyeok's labored breathing. They look at each other, and Noah can't help the way her eyes flickered down to Hyeok's lips. His lips that are swollen and redder than usual. Noah bets her lips are the same, and it's a miracle how her lipstick isn't smeared against Hyeok's mouth. 

Hyeok swallows roughly, his hands flexing on Noah's waist and reminding Noah what they just did. 

"I..." Noah doesn't know what to say, doesn't even know why she opened her mouth in the first place, but before she could put her thoughts to order, Hyeok pulls away, fingers lingering on her skin and making her shiver. 

Wooin, Joker and the guy with red glasses finally show up, and Noah wasn't able to talk to Hyeok after. Not when Wooin handed her a folded up jacket, revealing to be a Sabbath Crew one. 

Her Sabbath Crew jacket, with the logo stamped at the back in bright blue, and the dagger and snake symbol running down the right sleeve in the same color as the emblen on the back.

"Gift, for No-ah." Wooin said with a knowing grin, and it rendered Noah speechless until she has to leave. 

She never had the chance to talk to Hyeok again after that.) 

Noah sighs tiredly, closing her eyes and raking her hands through her hair. She's tired, not only physically but also mentally. 

She wasn't unfamiliar with flings. Flights of fancy, especially in people. Pretty people with interesting things about them. She's still a woman, a healthy woman with a normal functioning, well, libido, and she's had her fair share of relationships. 

Short as they were. 

It was easy enough to say that Hyeok is good looking. He may look like that asshole that got Owen's knickers in a twist, but Hyeok-

At this point, Noah knows that Hyeok's eyes are narrower and sharper, the outer corners of his eyes tapering into a fine point and sweeping up and outwards elegantly. 'Phoenix eyes', she discovered in Google, and Noah knows she has snuck looks at Hyeok's eyes more than what's required of her. 

Noah also knows that Hyeok has a much more slender frame than the asshole, but despite his slimness he's actually pretty strong, with solid muscles hidden by his loose posture and looser clothes. 

Moreover, Noah, at this point, has memorized how Hyeok sounds like. He has a surprisingly high voice, soft with a barely there rasp to it. How his tone changes depending on his mood, if he's being serious or if he's in one of his playful moods. The way it rises with amusement, dips with irritation, and the way it goes absolutely flat, even. His tone and his eyes are the give aways to his moods, after all, and Noah knows she's instinctively honed in on those. Watching Hyeok, learning him everytime they're together.

So. Is Hyeok attractive? 

Noah could say yes, and she actually feels a little stupid for realizing that fact just now. Or rather, she feels stupid for finally admitting that fact just now. But at the same time, admitting that fact is dangerous, because... 

bleached bones and pinned butterfliesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora