Chapter 19

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Isla's POV:

I opened the door...

There stood Tom... 'what the fuck'. Before i even thought i flung myself into Tom's arms, him catching me and spinning me around, so i was now facing my door.

"what the fuck. what the fuck, what are you doing here???" I asked head in the crook of his neck 

"Thought i'd come see you, it's your birthday soon and i missed you as well" He responded

"I missed you too" I said 

I pulled away, but he kept a-hold of my shoulders, just staring at me. The tension could be cut with a knife. 'should i kiss him?' i thought to myself. As i was about to someone tapped my shoulder.

I turned around to be faced with everyone... Niki, Wilbur, Jack, Toby (and his dad)

"what the fuck" I said outloud 

"hey" Niki said casually

"Hi!" I said hugging her

"Wha, what are you all doing here?" I asked, confused

"It's your birthday soon, we also really missed you" Toby responded 

"Tom also missed you a shit ton" Will whispered into my ear as i hugged him, i started blushing.

"well mum is currently at work but you can all come in" I said "where are you all staying?" 

"Well Toby, his dad and Will have a hotel booked. Tom is staying with you and me and jack are staying here as well, me and mum discussed this" Niki said (AN: I DO NOT SHIP NIKI AND JACK AND NOR SHOULD YOU!! THEY ARE GREAT FRIENDS BUT FOR THE STORY THEY ARE SHARING A ROOM. ALSO IF YOU HAVEN'T SLEPT IN THE SAME BED AS YOUR BESTIE THEN WHAT ARE YOU DOING /j LMAo BUT YES DONT MAKE IT WEIRD)

"ohh ok" I said showing them into the house

"Hey can i put my stuff in your bedroom" Tom asked awkwardly

"Yea, i'll show you where it is" I replied, taking him up the stairs

We walked into my room, me showing him where he can put his suitcase. Tom then just laid down onto my bed, me following his actions

"Hey" he said looking at me

"Hi" I said, slightly giggling, for no reason

"I missed you" he told me

"I missed you too" It was silent for a few minutes, just enjoying each others company

"You're gorgeous" He blurted out of no where, shocking me and himself by the look of his face

"I- erm.. thank you" I responded

He was looking directly into my eyes, I was looking into his... it was perfect, i was with the boy i.. i really like.. my friends were here... life felt perfect and like it couldn't get any better... that was until Tom put his hands on my waist, pulling me into a kiss... (AN: I KNOW TOMMY IS AN ADULT NOW BUT PLEASE I BEG DO NOT MAKE THIS WEIRD!!!!!!!)

Jack's POV:

Niki had told me where her bedroom was as she didn't want to leave our friends completely alone so i went and put my stuff in there, as i was going back to go downstairs i thought i'd see what Tom and Isla were doing as they had been upstairs for a long time, i opened her door to see tom kissing her. 'Oh my god he did it' i thought to myself

I quietly closed the door, not wanting to embarrass the poor kids and just went back downstairs like nothing happened

Word count: 552

AN: omg i loved this chapter.. IT WAS SO CUTE! 

Nihachu's sister - Tommyinnit x ocحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن