⩇16 : Magnificiea street

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"Magnificiea street"

Twenty-two second day of love month,
we're walking down the Magnificiea street, where everything feels so magical yet the atmosphere we got was weary. Selene's light illuminates light for a dim pathway.

  We are filling some blank pages on our very first page. You and I, I am hoping that we'll never end so I shalt wait for this heart screams your name.

You caressed my cheek and hug me tight. It's a kind of heart break. I felt like losing you. This may cause a lil' bruise.  However, I will be counting seconds, hours, days, weeks and month to see you again.

I memorized your features as my soul was mixed with champagne. I bitterly smile as rain started to fall from the sky, the creeks of water falls out of my eyes, knowing you'll bid goodbye after.

Yeah, you know I like you, you'll be far away but I will wait for you for I think you could be the one I could keep and love.

I don't care if I'll feel down, I know it will be worth it. I will be right here on the place where you left me.
  I'll be haunting memories of ours and will stay here forever until you'll come home.

For now, let's make the last of the hour of being together to make good mem'ries that'll be eternally sculptured in our pompe.

Her Fusion of Words Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя