(she is) love

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Carl silently awoke to a weight half on top of him, legs intertwined with his and an arm placed gently around his neck. Turning his head slightly, Carl's nose met a mass of curls and he took a whiff of the lavender that permeated his nostrils.

The body lying on top of him began to stir, causing Carl to tighten his embrace just a bit more before locking eyes with the beautiful woman in his arms.

"Good morning, baby," her voice was hoarse from their activities the night before and Carl couldn't help his body's reaction to it.

"Morning, babe. How'd you sleep?" He began running his fingers up and down her bare back.

"Perfect as always," she kissed his peck before snuggling deeper into him. "Except you let me sleep without my bonnet." She gave him a playful pinch.

Carl huffed a laugh, "Sorry, darlin', you just looked so peaceful."

Zora rolled her eyes and tried to suppress a grin as she traced nonsensical patterns on his chest, "Yeah, yeah. My hair's gonna be all tangled and you know I gotta braid it."

"Well, you don't have to," Carl replied.

"Yes, I do. I wanna meet your parents looking my best and that won't happen if I wear my hair out,"

"In this Georgia humidity," Carl finished with her. He could have almost laughed when she popped her head up to glare at him.

"And just for that..." his girlfriend quickly moved out of his arms, taking the sheet with her to cover her body, before he could register her movement and stop her.

"Oh, c'mon baby," Carl groaned. Zora's only response was to give a sickly sweet laugh and a wink before heading into her boyfriend's in suite bathroom. Carl fondly shook his head as he heard the shower turn on. He stayed in bed for a moment, picturing Zora spraying detangler into her hair and combing it out as she waited for the water to heat up.

When Carl saw the steam start to exit from the open doorway, he eased his way out of bed to meet his girlfriend in the shower. Upon entering the restroom, Carl is met with the image of Zora standing under the water with her eyes closed in serenity. He couldn't help the small grin that appeared on his lips as he pulled the curtain back and his beloved's eyes opened to meet his.

A soft smile showed on her face as she pulled Carl in the shower and into her arms. Carl followed easily, drawing the curtain closed behind him as he wrapped his arms around Zora's neck; hers connected to his waist.

"Don't worry so much," Carl quietly reassured. "They're going to love you."

Zora gave a minute nod in response, "I'll try. But you know me."

He did. Zora worried like it was her job, almost like a coping mechanism. Carl wished she wouldn't but he'll indulge her this one time.

Carl dropped a kiss to Zora's forehead before placing a longer, tender one to her lips, "Well, let's hurry up in here so you can start your hair then."

Zora giggled and gave her boyfriend another kiss to his mouth, "Help me wash my hair?" She squeezed lightly on his waist.

"Of course."


A couple hours later, Carl laid on the couch in his living room as The Falcon and the Winter Soldier played on the television. He was only half paying attention, busy finalizing his and Zora's plans to meet with friends after their brief stay at his family home.

When he heard a door close from the hallway, Carl briefly glanced from his phone and caught a glimpse of his roommate, Duane. Carl gave a small head raise in acknowledgement before returning his attention to his phone.

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