"Thank you, Mr Henry." Elena said opening the door for the man. The two vampires step forward to enter forgetting about the barrier. "Idiotas." she said out loud making Stefan give her a playful glare.

"I'm sorry. I completely forgot." Elena turns to Stefan giving him a flirtatious look that made Estella narrow her eyes at. She knew she wasn't dating Stefan but she still didn't like it. "Stefan. Would you like to come inside my house?"

"Not your house, last I checked its the 'Salvatore Boarding House' not the 'Gilbert Boarding House' get off your high horse." Estella said whilst heading into the house barging past Elena. She found Bonnie sat on the couch and laid down next to her burrowing her face in the witch's stomach.

Bonnie laughed whilst running her fingers through Estella's hair. After a few minutes whilst Elena let the vampires in the house, Bonnie moved Estella's head to get up ignoring the protest coming from the Chaos Witch.

Stefan saw her struggle and took Bonnie's place making Estella wrap an arm around his waist to keep herself steady. She sighed in content without realising making Stefan chuckle slightly.

Bonnie gives Elena her jacket and starts to head to the door. "Wait, where are you going?" Stefan asks from his position on the couch. "To school."

"Huh?" The confusion in his tone made Estella snort out a laugh resulting in Stefan to flick her forehead in warning. "No, no, no. We didn't create a safe house for you to leave it." Damon says in absolute bafflement, "Yeah, guys, Klaus is out there. We know that."

"Right. But where? No one knows. Look, I really appreciate what you guys are doing. And I'll be able to sleep at night knowing that I'll be safe here, but I'm not going to be a prisoner." Elena says whilst looking at Damon.

"Whatever you say Elena, in the end it's your life." Damon says giving up on trying to keep her alive.

"Don't worry, I'm ready. If he shows his face, I can keep him down for a while I know how."

"The way I see it, next to Bonnie is the safest place that I can be. Come on." Estella laughed again quietly, the safest place for Elena would be near her seeing as Estella carried all the cards that could get Klaus to stop killing them all.

They leave and after a bit Stefan starts to get up to leave. "Estella, you gotta get up, we have school." The witch burrowed her face into his chest more not wanting to get up, "Nooo." she whined.

"Okay, up we go." Stefan gathers her in his arms grabbing her bag as well as his own and getting up to go to his car. She didn't even argue she just held tighter around his neck and let herself be carried to school.


Everyone sits down in their seats before class starts. Elena takes the poster for the 60s decade dance out of her bag and shows it to Stefan with a smile. He shakes his head in disapproval, not really understanding why she would ask him if they weren't together.

Then, she shows it to Bonnie. She nods her head. Elena looks back at Stefan with a smug look. Elena still believed that there was a chance for them to be together again, but Stefan had moved on. Alaric who still being possessed by Klaus arrives.

"Hello, class. What are we learning today?"
Dana, a girl on the cheer squad spoke up, "With the decade dance tonight, we've been covering the sixties all week."

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