Chapter 1: New Day, New Job

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The sun was shining bright and the birds were chirping Edgar Way an emo teenager was waking up

(Edgar POV)

Aw man I thought to myself another day. I have to get a job I told myself . Since I was a child my grandpa Byron has been taking care of me since my parents died.
I hobbled out of bed and looked at the time it was 6:00 am I was going for a job interview at Starr park to work at the gift shop. It was the only job I could get.
I went and set my Pink Day poster it was old and peeling off the wall and I went to brush my teeth, take a bath and paint my nails. I tried to make myself look presentable I needed to look good I wore a fancy shirt Gramps got for my birthday.
"Huh I guess this had a use after all" I thought to myself
I went downstairs and Gramps looked suprised
"I thought you hated that shirt"
"Well I need to look presentable for my interview"
"Good luck with that you lost every job you've ever gotten"
"That's not true..... Some of them i quit"
"Case and point"
I was angry at Gramps but he was right most jobs I was either fired or quit but this time I was determined I was doing this for Gramps. He has been the only source of income since my dad's death.
"Well good luck anyway"
"Thanks bye Gramps"
"Bye Edgar"

I went to the tiny garage we had there was a 1981 Yamaha XS400. It was old but it was my dad's. I put in the key and kicked the rust bucket. It whirred to life and I got on and speeded towards Starr Park

I arrived at the park it was a colorful collection of rides and stores I went to the gift shop where I was greeted by a short man with a cash register for a head I recognised him from some brawl matches
"Hello young man you must be the new employee"
"Yes I'm Edgar Way"
"Wonderful I'm Griff Apennies come with me for the interview

(After the interview becuz writer's block 😖)

I got on my motorcycle and started it up. On the ride I kept hoping i would get the job. It would be great for Gramps he wouldn't have to work full time and we would have a stable source of income.

I reached home and Gramps was asleep on the couch
"Heh the old coot could do with some rest" I said to myself
I went up to my room and played Avanue of Demolished Fantasies by Pink Day on my air pods until I fell asleep.

Next day I awoke and just layed on my bed for a while till I got enough energy to get out of bed I checked my phone there was a message from Starr Park Gift Shop. I was absolutely terrified I opened it ...

IT SAID I GOT THE JOB. Starting tomorrow I will be working there I went downstairs there Gramps was sitting reading the Starr Newspaper
"Gramps i got the job"
"Heh I knew you had it in you just try not to lose this one"
I went back to my room and listened to rock music.

(A/N : Hope This chapter was good I worked hard on it)

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