꒰ 🍷 Fruity Skewers

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whilst making out with another man.

"He must be drunk." Bennett thought and waited for Dilucs return.

He paid for the drinks in full and returned to Razor, they decided to stir up a conversation whilst waiting for their drinks.

"Soo, what's life like in Wolvendom, out in the wild?"


They continue chatting until their orders are placed down at their table, they both take sips of their beverage until Bennett starts acting weird, he started crying out of nowhere and Razor came to comfort him.

"Benny, what wrong?!"

"wgfdgtjgd" he replied.

"Sorry what?"

"aegfdcgjcute." and then he starts playing with Razors hair, cuddling it like its his personal pillow.

and then it sounded like Bennett was about to throw up so Razor quickly brought him to the bathroom to get all the weirdness out.

Razor looked away for one second and this man was already pinning him to the bathroom stall and staring at him, "ok maybe the weirdness didn't go away."

Bennett then started to play with Razors fingers, doing the "this little piggy went to the market, this little piggy stayed home." game and Razor stared not knowing what to do and then all of a sudden he started acting all flirty.

"If you were a vegetable, you'd be a cute-cumber, hehehehe." his attempts at trying to look hot were completely failing.

"Razor not cucumber, Razor is wolf."

"Wolf?! Nooo don't eat me!"

"Razor no eat!"

The adventurer then leaned in closer "let me kiss the bride" whilst puckering his lips.

Razor put his hand on Bennetts mouth to prevent him from getting any closer.

"Bennett breath smell bad.."

Just then a man burst into the bathroom calling out their names, Razor pulled Bennett out the stall and they approached the man.

"I'm sorry you two, follow me!"

They are then brought to Diluc where Diluc discusses why Bennett was acting weird.

"He's drunk." "Someone must have gave him the wrong drink on accident."

"Drunk?" Razor tilted his head in confusion.

"Let's just say hes lost control. Anyway theres someone waiting outside to take care of him."

Razor nodded and exited the building with his 'friend' holding onto him, outside stood a well dressed man wielding a geo vision.

"Hello, I'm Zhongli, I've brewed up some tea to help your 'sick' friend here." 

They then walk some more into one of the Mondstadt houses with the name "Venti" on the door and they sit down whilst Razor supports him take sips of the tea.

They sit in silence for a while until someone breaks the silence.

"Thank you for taking care of Bennett." Razor smiles

"It's not a problem." he smiles back.

and then they see someone peer through the window and Bennett jumps out screaming "IT'S THAT PIRATE GUY!" 

Zhongli gets up and closes the curtain on him.

"I suggest you two rest up a bit whilst I deal with the havoc outside." He then exits through the door and a lot of screaming is heard.

"Benny ok?"

"Yeah...I am now I guess.." he says sitting back down.

They start exploring around the house until they Razor screams 

On the box it was labelled 'Twister' Bennett began to go flushed as he had seen wayyy too much anime and figured how it would end, "How about we play uhhh monopoly instead?"

"Razor want play this game."

Bennett finally gave in due the powerful puppy eyes and they started playing.

Player 1: Bennett
Player 2: Razor

Player 1, left hand on yellow.

Bennett began carefully placing his left hand onto the yellow circle.

Player 2, left leg on yellow.

Razor began shuffling to his spot too.

"so far so good." Bennett thought

Player 1, left leg on blue.

Now this was getting hard, with no hand to support the other Bennett was surely going to lose.

Player 2, right hand yellow.

Bennett then started praying that his spot would be easy and then the instructions called out:

Player 1, right hand yellow.

"Isn't this so oddly specific!?" He thought but began to place his hand down anyway.

Player 2, left hand blue.

"Uh maybe we should stop here Razor-"

"No! Want to keep playing! Want to win!"

Bennett sighed and obeyed what was requested.

Player 1, left hand blue.

Player 2, left leg blue

Player 1, right leg yellow.

Player 2, 
right leg yellow.

They were now in a fruity position, Razor smiled "this is fun."

"Yeah..it is" he said whilst looking at Razors face and then he began losing his balance which resulted in Razor winning.

"Yay I win!" "Winner get free meat!"

"We never agreed on that!"

"We have now!"

Bennett looked at the time whilst admitting defeat "shouldn't Zhongli be back by now? Oh well."

Bennett then started cooking some "Sticky Honey Roast" Sara from Good Hunter gave him his own recipe to make it himself since the one at Good Hunter is always overcooked or undercooked somehow.

Plates were placed on the table by Razor and they started feasting together.

"Razor likes Bennys cooking."

"Awh I like you too."

Seconds later Bennett realised what he had said and covering his face in complete embarrassment.

"Bennett like Razor too!"

No other words were said until Razor brushed his hand across Bennetts, which is something he does a lot, this causes Bennett to intertwined fingers with him.

"Razor had fun today!"

"Me too Razor, me too."

"Ooh! Wait on couch thing, Razor make something!" he then waddled off into the kitchen

Bennett waited on the couch snuggled up in a blanket and saw Razor come in with what looked like four puppy-pawed shaped hashbrowns and two hot chocolates

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Bennett waited on the couch snuggled up in a blanket and saw Razor come in with what looked like four puppy-pawed shaped hashbrowns and two hot chocolates.

"Woah Razor I didn't know you knew how to make these!"

"Lisa taught me!" Razor snuggles in with Bennett and they hold hands under the blanket watching TV.


Authors Note: I'm so sorry if this is another cringe chapter but ANYWAYS yet again I hope you had fun reading this and hope you have a good day / night.

Words: 1264

𝐋𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐞 ,,「ɢᴇɴꜱʜɪɴ ɪᴍᴘᴀᴄᴛ」| Rannett OneshotsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum