Start from the beginning

And for just a flicker, Feyre truly believed Rhys wasn't as bad as he wanted others to think he was. How could he be? Holding up the fragile woman that held gentle conversations through their cells, holding the weight of her body that Nixie couldn't.

"Can we?" Nixie questioned in a broken voice, "Can we really go home, Rhys?"

And it took everything left for Rhys not to break down. Neither of them had believed they'd return to the Court of Dreams, but seeing the girl-- the one who had become his sister-- so hopeless that she doubted these words, it broke him.

So Rhys just pulled her closer, casting a final glance to Feyre, one that changed everything, before the duo disappeared into crisp, thin air.

☽ ☾

They landed with a loud thud. Rhys apologized profusely as Nixie groaned, curling into herself in pain.

"I want to go home, Rhys," Nixie dared to argue, her pain clear as she made no movement to rise from the cold, harsh, tile floor. "Not here--"

"I know, Nin, I know," Rhys soothed, "I just needed a moment, I--"

"Take me home, Rhys, please take me--!"

Rhys reached out, attempting to force any sort of soothing into her blocked off mind-- but the cries worsened. She was wailing. Reaching out for the stars she had so longed for those fifty years in the dark.

And Rhys grabbed her hand and, again, they disappeared.

This time, the duo landed staggering, in the place they called home.

And Nixie's wales turned into silent tears, the woman pulled herself up, a dark puddle rising from the floor, and dared to walk to the door.

"Nix, I don't think--"

"I want to see my parents," Nixie whispered, hand on the doorknob, "Please, Rhys, I--"

"Okay," Rhys nodded, approaching her quickly, "Let me help you, please?"

She obliged, allowing the man to hook an arm around her waist, the duo hobbling through Velaris towards the familiar gray townhome. And it was Nixie who knocked three times, before returning to Rhys's safety.

And then the door opened, and behind it stood a breathless, smiling, tall man, who, at the sight, was overtaken with shock.

"Hi, Papa," Nixie spoke breathlessly as her father exited the house quickly, "I'm so sorry--"

"Shh, my darling, shh."

Preston quickly engulfed his daughter in a hug, taking the full weight Rhys had been supporting.

"Marilla!" He shouted, voice wavering, "She's home, our daughter--"

And just as quickly, a woman who mirrored Nixie's looks-- though her face was fuller, healthier-- engulfed her husband and child in a hug.

"Oh, lovey," Marilla cried, brushing her hand over Nixie's matted hair, "Oh, my darling."

And what broke Rhys, was Preston pulling away only to yank that man himself into a hug.

"Thank you," Preston said tightly, "Thank you, for taking care of her."

"I-- not even I could do that for you, and I will apologize for the rest--"

"None of this, Rhysand," The man breathed out, "She's alive. That's all we could ask for considering."

  And Rhys hugged back, only pulling away to face the women.

"Would you like to stay for dinner?" Marilla asked gently, her arm still holding a dazed Nixie into her side, "I'd like to take care of Nixie tonight."

"I would, but I believe our friends may be concerned," Rhys mumbled, making Nixie's eyes widen, "They were at the house when we arrived, but we left right away."

"Wait they're--"

"I'll come back to escort you home," Rhys spoke gently, reaching out to squeeze Nixie's hand, "Don't worry, Nin."

"You're not staying?"

"Would you like me to?"

"For a little while, please?" Nixie whispered, "Just until. . . I'm comfortable."

Rhysand obliged instantly. He seemed to be holding himself together just slightly better than Nixie, as he attempted to help Marilla and Preston around the home in anyway he could; he eventually settled for assisting Preston in the kitchen while Marilla drew Nixie a bath.

"I'll be right here when you're done," Rhysand assured Nixie gently after spotting her discomfort, "You're safe, Nixie."

So, she tried to believe him. This was her childhood home, after all, if there was anywhere she should feel safe, it was here.

But fifty years didn't disappear in an instant, and Nixie knew the brief calm she felt would only remain temporary.

act two baby!! and everybody
gets to meet Nixie's parents!
truly the sweetest people
ever <3

 )act two baby!! and everybodygets to meet Nixie's parents!truly the sweetest peopleever <3

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