Chapter 1 First Day

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Your first day at hogwarts. Exciting, except for the fact that your transfering in the middle of the school year. You know nobody except for, of course Harry. Since Sirius in his godfather, and he is your father. You look over at the clock hanging on your empty room, for almost everything as been packed up. The clock reads 11:37pm.  All of a sudden you hear a knock on the door. "almost done packing y/n?" Sirius asks as she opens your door slightly. "almost, just have to get my bathroom bag and then my books", you answer. " Okay well don't forget your pillow, you'll need it for tonight tough, goodnight honey. Don't forget, we're leaving at 6:00am sharp."  You reply, "Okay, i'll see you in the morning."  He leaves and you quickly walk to your bathroom. Your bag still sitting on the countertop. Your soaps and shampoo still not packed. For some reason you just and finish packing. You think for a moment. All your life packed up in just a day. You don't think another second. You grab everything in your bathroom and shove it into a plastic bin. You quickly shut off the lights and try to comprehend everything that's going on. You crawl into bed and fall asleep.

You wake up to the sound of your phone alarm going off. You had set it for 5:30, knowing you wouldn't need long to get dressed. You end up wearing baggy jeans, platform boots, crochet top you had made last year, and a brown jacket knowing it was going to be a little chilly. You hurry and shove all of your 13 bags into the car. Sirius gets in and you talk about your classes, books, and how nervous you are. He calms you down and you end up reading on the ride to hogwarts. 

After 30 minutes you arrive. You can tell everyone's staring at you. You see Harry with 2 other people. You begin to get out of the car but drop your phone. "Oh shit!" "Need some help?" You recognize that voice straight away. "Harry!" He embraces you as 2 other people stand, sort of hovering over them. One has red hair and is about Harry's height. The other carries many books and has very curly hair. They both look friendly. "Oh sorry. Y/n, this is Ron and Hermione." "Hello Y/n, Welcome to Hogwarts, I'm Hermione Granger", said Hermione. She held out her hand for me to shake. Of course I do. Ron on the other hand seems sort of awkward. "I'm Ron Weasley", he finally says after getting elbowed by Hermione. "Need help with your bags?" Harry asked. "Actually, yes." You said and then laughed a little. You open up the truck. "Ron, you might need to go get help from your brothers. There's like 50 bags back here.!", exclaimed Harry. " Brothers?", you asked. " Oh yes, Rons got 5 siblings, Bill, Percy, George, Fred, and Ginny." said hermione. "Oh wow." You exclaimed. "I'll go get Fred and George",Ron said. The moment they arrive the first thing you realive is his smile. George looks at you and suddenly looks stunned. "Uhm, George! The bags..." Ron says to him. " Oh, Yeah, yeah, yeah right."  He and Fred walk toward the back of your car. (the trunk) and they take some bags while harry,ron, and Hermione also grab some. " So, Y/n, do you know your house yet?", Fred asked. "Uh yeah actually I do, I'm in Gryffindor", you answered. "So to the Common Room?" Ron asked. " Yep I guess." You all walk there as they ask you questions. Hermione and Ron leave to meet Ginny for butterbeer, and Fred tags along as he can see how george wants to talk to you alone. Harry however, not being George's twin, stays as you all walk to the common room. The moment you all step inside, they quickly drop the bags, tired and George runs over and jumps on the couch, laying down. 

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