I really really hope we find it soon.

I was snapped out of my thoughts, by Boris. "Bendy, how close are we now?" he asked. "Uh...it says we should be a minute away." I replied. I'm the navigator, in case you haven't already guessed. He only nodded, at my answer. I hope the map's right, I don't know what I'd do if I were ever to lose Boris. We split up to get supplies.I was snapped outta my thoughts once again, by a familiar voice! "Hi, Bendy!" I turn around, to see Cuphead! He was smiling, for once! "H-Hi." I said, feeling scared. "Wanna play Go Fish?" He asked, with wide red orbs. 'I can't say no, that would be mean! I know I should be cautious, but... he doesn't seem like he wants to hurt me.' I say in thought. "Uh...s-sure!" I say shakily. His eyes have stars in them now, and his smile grew wider!

Time skip to the chase scene in the comic~


Boris just got finished gathering more supplies. He was walking back to Bendy, when all of a sudden...he ran into a dreadfully familiar person!
It was Mugman! He's now being chased, by the guy!
"Where do ya think you're going wolf-boy?" Mugman smirked, right on Boris' tail! Suddenly...Boris felt a familiar burning! He fell to the ground, clutching his stomach in pain. "Ha! You clumsy little shit! Any last words?" Mugman said, coming closer. "N-No..." he replied in pain. Mugman began to see a black substance ooze from the wolf's body! "H-Hey...what're ya doing? That's pretty disgusting...knock it off!" he said feeling grossed out. "Please...m-my bag...I need s-something to help w-with the pain..." Boris begged. "What?! You seriously expect me to.." he began, but was cut off my the poor wolf. "P-Please...I c-can't sta...why? No...no!" He screamed. Mugman began to feel annoyed by the the wolf's 'whining'. "Ugh...so annoying! Here, take it! We'll continue this another time. When you're not crying like a little bitch!" he complained in annoyance, tossing him his bag. But before he could leave, he felt a bit of guilt, in his conscience.
Unable to ignore it, he picked up Boris, in the under-armed method! He took him to his brother, to take care of him.


Me and Cup, are playing Go Fish. He's pretty good, too! "Ya got any ducks?" Cup asked. But before I could answer, I was cut off by a dreadfully, familiar voice! "Why you good for nothing! You're playing with him!?" It was Mugman! And he was carrying my brother! "BORIS!" I yelled in fear. He tossed him to me. "Here ya go! He was pissing me off with his whining! How am I supposed to enjoy beating the shit out of him, if he's already in pain!?" he said angrily. He stormed over to Cup, and grabbed him by the handle! "Come on, you worthless shit!" he said in frustration, walking away from us. "Ow ow ow..." Cup said in pain. I looked at my bro, and then up at them. "He actually helped him, bringing him to me. Even if he wasn't very nice about it." I said in surprise. After Boris felt better, we started looking for the next piece.

We walk over to an ally. "Strange...it says that the piece is right here." I say in confusion, holding the map. Boris growled, and snatched the map from me. "Stupid map! I knew we wouldn't find the damn pieces in time!" He said angrily, scrunching the map in his fist. "Calm down, bro! It's gonna be okay! We will find the pieces in time! And we will heal you!" I replied, in an attempt to calm him down. And then all a sudden...a blue portal opened outta no where! It appeared on an ally way wall! "What the hell?!" Boris screamed. I then realized what the map meant, by the piece being here. "Bro! I think the piece is through here!" I said happily. I walk towards the portal, but was stopped by Boris. "Bro! I do trust you...but...are you sure?" He asked me. I turn to face him. "I...dunno, Boris. But I can only hope, for your sake." I said. He let go of my arm, and followed me through the portal.


I was bawling my eyes out, when all of a sudden...a flash sound could be heard! But I didn't care. I just kept sobbing. I then feel a tug on my pant leg. "M-Miss, are you okay?" I lift my head, and look down, and see a unexpected face! 'BENDY?!' I shout in thought. I was at a lost for words, so I just nodded. He then had a look of sympathy. He made a grabby motion with his hands, gesturing me to pick him up, like a small child would. I let go of my legs, and put my hands under his arms. I pick him up gently, and place him on my lap. He looks up at me, with large wide eyes, asking me if it's ok. I nod. He smiles, and attempts to wrap his arms around me.(Cause I'm not skinny) he snuggles into my torsos, and begins to purr. I wrap my arms around him, and gently hug him back. His purring and snuggles, start to melt away my sadness. A small smile made its away accross my face. The comfort turns to fear, when I hear a terrifying growl! "BENDY?! WHAT'RE YOU DOING?!" a voice growled. We look at the source of the voice, to see a angry, familiar wolf!
"BORIS?!" Bendy yelled in shock. This isn't the sweet, cinnamon roll Boris that I'm familiar with! 'What can I do?! I dunno what he's like when mad!' I panic in thought. But then the wolf looked at me, and his growling stopped. His angry expression changed to a smirk. His glare softens, to reveal kind, comforting brown eyes. He walks closer to us. "I'm sorry, ma'am. Allow me to properly introduce myself. I'm Boris the wolf, a pleasure to meet you." He smirked. 'If he's anything like normal Bendy...he probably wants me to shake his hand.' I say in thought. I slowly put my hand out to him. He takes it slowly, and did the unexpected! He kissed my hand! I start to feel warm on my cheeks! "H-Hi." Is all I could say. He notices my blush, and smirks. "What's the name, gorgeous?" He asks. "M-Madison. M-Madison R-Rose T-Tidwell." I stuttered. 'Shit...why did I stutter?!' I thought angrily. "Madison, Huh? Beautiful name, for a beautiful girl, like yourself." he smirked, letting go of my hand. "T-Thank you, Boris." I smiled. "You're welcome, beautiful." he said, winking. "Miss Madison? Why were you crying?" Bendy asked. I look at him, and shot a reassuring smile at him. "It's nothing, Bendy. I'm okay." He looks like he doesn't believe me. "Okay." Bendy frowned. I lifted his chin, to look at me. I pet his head, in between his respective horns. He purrs, and smiles a cat mouth. "I'm okay, Bendy. I promise. Please don't be sad." I smiled. "Okay, Miss Madison." He smiled. I giggle at the formality he labeled me with, he tilts his head in confusion.  "No need to call me miss. Just Madison's fine." I smiled. "Okay!" He beamed.

All of a sudden, a glow came from Bendy's bag! He took it out, to reveal a glowing parchment. "What? B-But I don't understand. The map only glows like this, when a piece has been found. But that can only mean-" he cut himself off. They look at me, and smile widely. "The heart...it's you! You're the first piece!" Bendy beamed.

BABQFTIM: A Heart Worth LovingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora