Chapter 6

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Konoha Hospital

Minato was pacing around in the waiting room of the hospital as the doctors did their checks on Naruto. Kushina was with him in the pacing. Both parents were seriously worried for their son's health. The Anbu had said he as okay, but it was hard to tell because the redhead had been unresponsive and there had been blood all over his body. Only medics could be able to fully ascertain if he was really okay or not.

The Sandaime Hokage had a worried look on his face as well. But unlike the two parents, he was sitting down calmly, being able to control his emotions better. At this time, the Sandaime felt like he was the adult here and the two were just children. Well, he could understand, this was their elder son. And for him to experience this kind of thing at this age was really disturbing. He hadn't thought that that someone would actually sneak into the village and find Naruto alone.

Naruto's movements were not known to the villagers. The redhead was hardly present in the streets of the village when he went about his to his training ground. Only Anbu actually knew about it and a few others because Naruto was secretive about it. For the information to have leaked outside meant that there was someone from the inside who had leaked the Intel to provoke a reaction. The Sandaime hadn't thought that things would move this quickly though.

"Minato-kun," the Sandaime Hokage called a bit firmly to get Minato's attention. "Pacing around will not solve anything. You have to calm down and allow the doctors to do their work. You will only tire yourself." He paused turning to the mother. "You too, Kushina-chan."

The redhead Uzumaki turned to face the Sandaime with a look on her face. "Don't tell me to calm down Sarutobi. My son is in there and I don't really know what is happening. I will not calm down!"

Minato placed a warm hand on Kushina. "No need to shout Kushina," he said softly. "This is the hospital..."


Minato blinked twice. He hadn't expected that from Kushina. The Yondaime smiled nervously when Kushina stared at him, waiting for a response. "Well..."

The Sandaime sighed but wisely chose not to say anything in fear that it would only infuriate the woman. An infuriated Kushina was not someone the Sandaime wished to deal with; it wouldn't be good for his health.

They didn't wait longer because the doctor came out of the room. She didn't have the look of someone carrying bad news, which was a relief to everyone. "You can come in now..."

Kushina pushed the woman aside as she rushed into the room. Her son was lying on the bed, cleaned of all the blood that had been all over him. But she wasn't relieved when she saw the look on his eyes. He seemed just dead. He didn't even seem to recognize her or even look at her to say that he could see her or sense her.

She wanted to cry, but chose not to in front of her son.

"He is still in shock, but physically, he is alright. There was just a minor cut on his cheek. It will heal. But we would like to keep him here for another day just so we can observe him. We can't really release him while he is like that."

The Sandaime Hokage seemed to have been the one who was listening to the woman. "Has he responded to attempts for communication?"

The doctor shook her head. "No."

The Third nodded. At least his life was not in danger, he thought. It would have been truly bad news if the redhead had suffered physically and was wounded mortally. Their reaction to this would be measurable. It was bitterly laughable that he was concerned about physical health instead of mental health. Flesh wounds could heal, but some mental wounds could not heal.

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