𝟭 - 𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙞𝙖𝙧𝙮

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Sapnap cried out, "Where the hell have you been, loca!?" Both of us started laughing loudly. It might've been my first time smiling in years. "Y/N," he said quietly, "everyone thinks you're dead! But I knew you weren't, stupidface!"

"Nick, you have the vocabulary of a fucking middle schooler," I said, undertones of laughter flooding my voice, "Where's Wil- Ghostbur? Tommy?"

Sapnap stayed quiet for a second, refusing to tell me something. He quickly averted his gaze from mine. "Nick," I pleaded quietly.

He exhaled quickly before spilling his guts, "So, basically, Dream revived Wilbur, he's gone crazy, Tommy let it happen and now no one has seen him for weeks."

"Shit," I exhaled, "is Dream still in prison?"

Sapnap nodded, finally making eye contact with me again, "Yeah, he's still locked up in there."

I hummed to myself in assurance, "So, I take it I have to go into New L'Manburg to visit?"

"Yup," He responded, "how unfortunate. That place is a shitshow right now."


"You're so smart."

"I know."

Both of them began to laugh before a point came to my head, "Were you taking care of my house?"

It was really amazing what Nick had done to keep the house in order. The fire was almost always fed, the countertops were cleaner then they had been, the floor was swept, all the beds were made, and the linens were drying outside in the cool, night air.

A smile made its way onto Nicks face, "Yeah! I figured you would be home one day, so I kept it cleaned up for you. I also lived here while Kinoko was being built."

"Kinoko," I questioned, "new place on the map?"

Moving to go sit down on the couch in front of the fireplace, Sapnap spoke, "Yeah, Karl and I actually built the place from the bottom up. Kinoko Kingdom is my greatest legacy."

I began to make my way over to the same couch, sitting down on the opposite side of Nick, "I see... Karl doing alright?" "Yeah, actually," Sapnap said, slouching back while his eyes trace the fire, "even though his memory is... Fading? I don't know, he didn't remember Quackity when I brought him to Kinoko."

"I'm really sorry, Nick," the I started, pitiful, "it really stings that that's how it's working out for his dementia."

Silence filled the room for a brief second, letting me take in the beauty of the flames along with their warmth. "Hey," I started, "I saw a giant casino place in the desert on the way here. Las Nevadas, was it?"

"Oh," Nick says, still entranced by the flames, "yeah, that's Quackity's place." He seemed to shrug it off simply, so I didn't delve further into the subject, fearing for his uncomfort.

We sat in a comfortable silence together, the crackling of the firewood interrupting for a brief moment before settling again. Darkness fell quickly, letting the fire light the house with an orange and yellow flicker.

It was entirely dark, stars filled the sky. Nick and I had gone to sit outside under the stars in a small clearing in the treetops. It was peaceful for the both of us, even after we hadn't seen or interacted with each other since I ran away.

The truth is, I really do love Nick as a friend. He's always been there for me, especially when Clay was being an asshole. He's like a brother.

"Nick," I asked him, "do you think... Do you think Clay is still in there? Like- do you think that Clay's personality is still in... Dream?"

He was quiet, probably thinking. "I don't know. I've known Clay for years, and as far as I know, he's gone."

A lump formed in my throat.

It honestly upset me to hear that Clay was lost in his own mind. It's almost like he's bipolar, but he's not.

I loved Clay, I really did. He just made some decisions that made me think that I loved him for the wrong reasons.

First of all, Stockholm Syndrome.

After leaving the SMP lands for about a year, I decided that seeing someone to help me out with the way I was thinking would be good for me, so I set out and found someone.

They were very sweet, and let me talk about my issues and my past with them. Eventually, after talking about Clay, they said I had Stockholm Syndrome. I took a moment to reflect that maybe that's what Clay really wanted.

I gave it to him.

Second, he made it seem like my family was unimportant to me, and that he was the only one who could protect me.

Also known as grooming.

I didn't entirely know if that was his true intention, but Clay seemed to make it seem like my family was not as important as him. I see now that it was wrong of him, which is why I don't entirely want to visit him in prison.

Last, our little... Fuck-buddy idea.

It was brushed over, but Clay and I never really wanted a complete relationship. We wanted to have someone to touch when we needed it. It ended up spiraling into a full-blown relationship, but the intent behind it was incorrect.

So, when I left, I let Clay get taken into the prison by Sam and Sapnap. It was wrong, sure, but after all of my reflection, I know that he might be safer there then out among the others.

I've grown a lot in these two years, mentally and physically. I've gotten stronger in my mind, as well as my body.

I was once small, frail. Now, I have muscle on my bones, enough to actually look intimidating.

But that's besides the point.

"Oh," I said back to Nick, "I hope he's getting help in the prison."

He hummed in return, closing his eyes and quickly began to softly snore, as it was incredibly late. I didn't want him to freeze, so I slowly picked him up and placed him on my couch, before laying down in my own bed.

It felt so strange, laying down in my own bed after being away for years.

My eyes began to feel heavy, and they drifted closed for the night.


1728 words



𝙉𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙛𝙖𝙡𝙡 (𝙙𝙬𝙩 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)Where stories live. Discover now