Chapter 24: Beast Kingdom's Decision

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Then let's call it quits for the day. Fuze's and Youm's parties will be lodged for a week or so; I suppose since we can afford it, we can put together a magnificent arrangement for Youm. I'm improving their traveling; I mean, giving them a wagon would literally improve their lifestyle, but it would also improve efficiency; we're speeding up their travel so Youm and the others can reach distant lands faster. So, Youm will be personally trained by Hakurou along with his compatriots, and they will be further flattened by supplementary lessons from Benimaru and Shizu-san. I just need to ask Kurobee about the wagon and their weapons. We've made enough Demon Steels now that we can afford to design them Imperial Knights-level armaments. Then there's Fuze, who officially penned the groundwork paper that he claims will lead us to a successful alliance with human merchants. He then pushed the burden onto Ellen and the others as hard as he could. But... A major issue arises... The Beast Kingdom did not make a move.

We waited, but neither Phobio nor the Beast Kingdom's sent Majins arrived. Did Carrion simply follow Milim's orders? No, Carrion would not uphold Milim, especially given his obstinacy. Carrion was leery of us, which is why there was no envoy from the Beast Kingdom. If Carrion and the Demon Lords are the ones moving inexplicably... Carrion would have sent out an envoy here. However, because the Demon Lords aren't responsible for Geld's Harvest Festival, they are shocked by the occurrence, which we have overruled with a larger shock of beating an Awakened Orc Lord. Someone, in their opinion, tampered with their projects and used them for a different purpose. Then there are those of us who foiled both plans. We sat and waited... and waited... and waited... Fuze and his subordinates returned to Blumund and Youm, and the others left a few days later to fulfill their missionary duties. But in any case... There has been no endeavor by an envoy from the Beast Kingdom to reach.


A few weeks flew by in a flash. There are still no envoys or other representatives from the Beast Kingdom. I decided to walk around town for excursions—well, if you ask me, no matter how long I wait, if no one comes, no one comes.

I walk in the central plaza of Tempest where I found Shizu-san with a Rigid face. I bounced beside her and consulted.

"What's a matter?"

"My body still aches in Demon Lord Milim's punches."

She bitterly admitted.

"But, we are talking about Milim here... You know, the second-seat Demon Lord a Tyrant of Destruction."

"I know that, but you know Rimuru-san. In this small world, there is a point in time where you need to actually fight them. So, Ignorance is bliss might not apply here I sought to be stronger in order to protect this place. Well, Rimuru-san might have a chance against someone like Demon Lord Milim or Storm Dragon Veldora."

"Wait, what makes you think that."

"You got the ultimate power, don't you? I am talking about Miss Ciel here."

Ohoh? Ciel? I actually just knew this last week. Apparently, Shizu and Ciel became bath buddies. Ciel is just preventing every bathing with Shizu-san opportunity I have.

"Shizu-san perhaps you are overestimating us? Ciel and I aren't as powerful as what you deem we are. Are you obsessed with Ciel?"

"What!? of course, that's... that's infidelity I wouldn't dare. If there is someone I should be fond of was y..."

She stammered however in the second sentence the sound of her voice decreases with a slight pout.

"What was that?"

"No, it's nothing anyway where are you headed to?"

But I didn't hear Shizu-san's inquiry. Because I think this is a good moment to say that she is the queen of this place. We can't leave her in the dark forever, right?

Rimuru's Restart: That Time I Travelled Back in Timeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें