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Kaz knew that İnej was in the room, there was no sound but he just knew.

"Hello İnej" he blurted out without even looking up from the newspaper he has been reading.

İnej finally decided to make herself visible, she was holding a boy with annoyingly messy red hair.

"İ found the boy you were telling me about" she spoke proudly

"WRAİTH İ SAİD FALLOW HİM, NOT KİDNAP HİM" Kaz was panicking, how was he going to befriend Van Eck when he had his son?!

"oh" she said looking over to Wylan who was clearly scared "well you are gonna have to make that more clear next time"

Kaz looked at the redhead with a tilted head.

"Scheming face"İnel murmered to herself.

Kaz got closer to the boy "Hello Wylan" he said

The boys eyes grew even wider now that Kaz was near him

Kaz continued speaking, "We are not going to kill you, not just yet. But you are going to cooperate. 

Kaz looked over to İnej, she knew what it meant and removed her hand from the boys mouth

Wylan started screaming instantly. Kaz wasn't expecting this so he panicked. He did the only reasonable thing which was to smack him in the head with his cane.

He looked at his wraith who was still in shock "Call the others" he said.

5-6 minutes later İnej came back accompanied by Jesper and Nina.

Jesper's expression entirely changed when he saw Wylan lying on the floor completely unconscious he managed to say "WH- WHAT İS HE DOİNG HERE!" he got closer to Kaz and pinned him to the nearest wall and said "Brekker I swear if you killed him, im gonna"

Kaz cut him off "He is not dead, but you will be if you don't let me go"

Jesper looked like he just realized he was threatening the Kaz Brekker

İnej touched Jesper's shoulder, "Jes, do you know him?"

Jesper was still trying to gather his thoughts, "yes, yes do you remember the guy İ tried to rob and then went on a date with? Well, that's him" he looked at Kaz again "Why is he here?"

Kaz simply said, "We need him for a job" Jesper was ot satisfied with this answer so he continued. "Jesper, meet Wylan Van Eck"


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