I sighed and shook my head before answering, "Dave, I told you about Calvin."

"That loser from your job?" He asked confused, "I thought you broke up with him."

My eyes bulged out in shock before I closed them and pinched the bridge of my nose. With a deep breath I reopened them and glared at my best friend.

"Not yet," I hissed quietly.

"Oh, shit," he fake gasped, "my bad."

Before I could say anything Davis turned back around and walked over to Calvin.

"Davis," I said with an edge oof warning.

He slapped his strong hand onto Calvin's thin shoulder and sighed, "Sorry bud. You're just not doing it for her."

Davis started pulling Calvin towards the door, "For what it's worth you got a lot further than the last guy she dated. Unfortunately, Melissa just doesn't know what she wants. Have a nice evening. I'd give ya a mint or something, but I booked it out of my date so fast I didn't even get to eat dinner. So, I ate my last tic-tac on the way here."

Calvin looked at me confused. All I could do was mouth, "I'm sorry," as Davis shoved him out the door.

Davis closed the door in my date's? ex's? face then rubbed his hands together like he was wiping them clean.

I can't believe he did that. Then again, I honestly can. Calvin isn't the first guy Davis has run off. I haven't had a relationship last more than six months without Davis having something to do with the dude's departure.

He was proud when he ran them off. Hell, there are a few that left on their own accord stating the same thing Davis just had. That I didn't know what I wanted.

That wasn't true. I knew exactly what I wanted. He was 6'2", medium build, Brown eyes, and the bestest friend a girl could ask for. I was so screwed. Davis will forever be the standard I hold men up to. All because I don't have the lady balls to say something to him. Then again, he hasn't made a move on me either.

"Davis Matthew Roberts," I huffed.

"Ohhh," he smirked, "all three names. I must be in trouble."

I fought back a smile, "I can't believe you did that... AGAIN!"

"Eh," he shrugged, "that guy wasn't your speed. I bet he was still a virgin."

"Davis!" I gasped.

He shoved his hands into his pockets, bit his lip, and hummed.

I quirked an eyebrow in question.

Davis chuckled and shook him head, "nothing."

I rolled my eyes and walked over to the couch to clean up the glass of wine Calvin had been drinking from leaving mine on the table. Lord knows I was going to need it.

"He was drinking wine!" Davis barked.

"Not every man dislikes wine, Davey," I said as I dumped the liquid down the sink. After a quick rinse I put the glass into the strainer. Without bothering to ask I turned around and grabbed a beer from the fridge and topped the top.

When I came back into the living room Davis was relaxing on the couch flipping through the movie channels. I handed him his beer, snatched up my glass, and sat down beside him.

"Well," he said after a healthy swallow. "I've had a date from hell and you now don't have plans. What do you want to do?"

I sighed into my wine, "order pizza?"

"I can do that," he said as he dropped the remote and pulled his phone from his pocket.

I sat back and let him do his thing. We've order pizza enough times that he already knows the order by heart without asking me. Nights alone with him were nice. I never felt uncomfortable or uneasy in his company.

"So," he said as he tossed his phone down on the table. "While we wait on that, what do you say we finally admit to each other that this whole dating other people thing isn't working. That what we really want has been cuddling up next to us for the better part of ten years, or ya know pick out a movie."

I choked on the sip of wine I had just taken. Did he really just...

"What?" I gasped.

"Movie," he said pointing to the menu on the T.V.

I put my glass down and shook my head, "no. Not that."

"OH!" he exclaimed and placed his beer on the coffee table. "You mean this."

Before I had time to comprehend what he meant, Davis reached out and wrapped a hand behind the back of my neck and pulled me foreword. His lips slammed into mine and I forgot how to breath.

I had dreamt of this moment for years and now that it was here, I was terrified. Davis' other hand came up and cupped my cheek. His thumb stroked my jaw gently as his tongue probed my lips for entrance to which I granted.

He deepened the kiss as I kissed him back. I was so lost in the moment I hadn't felt his hand move to my hips until he gripped them and pulled me into his lap.

I giggled at the move and I felt him smile against my lips. Davis groaned when I threaded my fingers into the hair on the back of his head. I whimpered quietly as he pulled away.

"Hey, now," he said quietly, "I'm not going anywhere."

I slid my hands down to rest on his chest and sighed happily, "What brought this on?"


I nodded my head, scared yet hopeful of his answer.

"In all of my thirty-one years," he began while lifting a hand to tuck some of my blonde strands behind my ear. "I've never connected with someone like I have with you. And I'm not just talking about when you smashed into me butt ass naked. When I saw you in my jersey you took my breath away."

I groaned with embarrassment.

Davis chuckled, "I love you, Melissa. While I was on that date tonight, when that psycho showed me those pictures. All I could think about is what our kids would look like. What our life would be like if we would just stop lying to ourselves."

"Are we happy?" I asked.


"I love you, too," I smiled.

"I know," he winked.

I slapped his chest and laughed making him chuckle.

"I've pussied out of asking you to be with me so many times because I was terrified of losing your friendship," he explained.

"Me too," I agreed, "WHen you didn't ask me out in college, I just assumed I wasn't your type."

"Yeah, about that," he chucked. "Your dorm mate was my ex from high school and I didn't really want it to be weird if we dated. By the time sophomore year came around I was deep in the friendzone."

"Oooohhh, well that explains a lot."

My freshman roommate in the sorority house had made snide remarks about Davis. I always ignored them though and hadn't bothered to ask her because she didn't like me much either. Now I know why.

"So, were doing this?" I asked quietly.

Davis reached up and cupped my face, "Yeah. We're doing this." 

One and Done: A Collection of One-ShotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ