Chapter 1

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Felicity turned from the warming sky outside the window and towards her friend. "Yes?"

Hyacinth St. Clair, née Bridgerton, frowned at her lack of attention, but she sighed and shook her head. "I asked if you were coming to join us for Kate's ball."

"Hm..." She took a sip from her tea that had grown cold after almost thirty minutes of Hyacinth trying her best to distract her. "When is it again?"

"In three weeks," she replied expectantly.

"Aren't you asking a little prematurely?"

Her friend didn't say anything for a while. "Well, I was thinking to tell you earlier in case you wanted to have a new dress done... You used to give me hell about not doing so."

Felicity took a deep breath. "I-I don't know..." she said, staring at her cup.

"Please, Felicity." Hyacinth laid her hand on top of hers, urging her to look up. "She's been asking about you." She smiled gently at her. "She misses your watercolor sessions. Even Benedict has penned to me once or twice."

Felicity looked away, feeling slightly terrible for putting a distance from the people who took her in like family. Viscountess Katherine Bridgerton, the wife of the Viscount Anthony Bridgerton, had taken quite a liking towards her and had declared her a partner in the Arts. They had been painting at least once a month together up until nine months ago.

And then Benedict Bridgerton, the second of the Bridgerton siblings and nationally renowned artist, stumbled upon one of their outdoor sessions when he was visiting Aubrey Hall, the ancestry seat of the Bridgertons. He commented on their pieces and gave them wonderful advice. The problem was that Kate was not patient enough to hear his constant help and shut him up with a look. Felicity, on the other hand, welcomed it so enthusiastically that he asked if she wanted to be mentored by him. That was how he took her under his wing and would have her at his personal atelier once every two weeks, to the delight of his wife Sophie.

"I better go..." Hyacinth said slowly. "I promised Gareth that I'll be home before George wakes from his afternoon nap." Felicity gave her a nod. "I'll be back tomorrow. That is unless you'd want to visit. I'm sure George misses his Aunt Felicity," Hyacinth said with an encouraging smile.

"We'll see," Felicity merely said as Hyacinth walked out of the drawing room. She looked back at the window and watched her friend driving away on a coach. Her eyes moved across the street, following the vehicle.

A number of people were walking by the streets of Bloomsbury, probably on their way home from work. Unlike her old home in Mayfair, most of the people in her neighborhood were not lords and of the aristocracy. Not that it mattered to her- it also helped that her sister Penelope and her husband Colin lived a few blocks away- she loved where she lived and loved watching and learning about the people in it. The scholars, doctors, and professors walking about who reminded her of him...

She looked away and retired back to her dark and empty chambers.

When Hyacinth got back to her home, she let out an audibly exasperated sigh. "What are you doing here?"

Gregory turned towards her, mildly affronted. "Why the aggressive tone, dear sister? Can I not visit my wonderful family on such a fine day?" He turned incredulously towards Gareth, his brother-in-law who had become a sort of brother to him since he and Hyacinth had married two years ago. Her husband merely shook his head, knowing not to get in between their sibling spat.

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