ch6 - the popular topic

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After some serious recollection, you concluded that it was probably a bad idea to mention the fact that Pieck was Marleyan. You proceeded to tell Eren and Mikasa about the girl you'd recently met, your embarrassing encounter from the day before, and the hangout scheduled for after school all while conveniently leaving out her identity.

Although it looked like he wasn't, Armin had been listening to the whole conversation. A sickening feeling settled in their stomach when they pieced together who you were talking about.

He couldn't figure out why, but he didn't like hearing about Pieck. He didn't like it at all.

The day was passing quickly due to your growing excitement about the plans you had for later. By the time lunch rolled around, however, it was hard to ignore the continuous murmurs floating around you when you walked through the halls.

The lunch table was quiet as you sat down. Each of the three boys was too engrossed in their own activities to acknowledge your presence.

Jean was preoccupied with studying Marco from across the cafeteria, Eren was really into his cereal, and Armin was quietly reading with earbuds in.

You were about to snap Jean out of his trance so you'd at least have somebody to talk to but a certain tall brunette seemed to do it for you.

"Y/n! Why did I have to hear from Hitch that you and Pieck are going out?" Bertholdt asked as he approached the table from behind you.

Well, there goes the secrecy of it. By Armin's wide eyes, you could tell he had paused his music in an attempt to subtly eavesdrop on the conversation.

Yours and Jean's eyes carefully shifted over to Eren, whose cereal milk was dripping from his spoon in the short silence that followed Bertholdt's question. He sat completely still, waiting for you to answer what the boy asked.

You shrank in your seat. "We aren't going out. We're seeing each other after school, but it's not like that," you emphasized.

Bertholdt frowned. "Hitch can exaggerate her rumors but even Pieck said it herself."

"I guess she's very literal then," you clarified, looking away from Eren's confused stare and down at the table.

Bertholdt shrugged, not sensing the awkwardness around the table. "I guess they are. She's paying for the ride, by the way. Porco usually gets screwed into paying for her so I'd say you're a pretty big deal."

You winced. Of course, he had to mention Porco. "You make your friends pay too?"

His eyebrows furrowed. "Of course. It would be quite unfair if they didn't." With that, he walked back to the table he shared with Reiner, Annie, and Hitch. You doubted Hitch even wanted to be there, judging by the way she ignored Reiner every time he tried to speak to her.

Once he was out of earshot, Jean piped up to air out the awkward silence. "That's gay, Mark."

You almost laughed at what he called diffusing the tension. "Who the fuck is Mark?"

"I don't even know."

"So I take it you've been hanging around Marleyans recently?" Eren finally found his words as he seemed to remember his cereal existed.

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