"You have questions. I would love to answer them while we wait on my sister." Fay fell back into the old couch, motioning for me to sit beside her. But I stayed where I was.

"So she is your sister? How? She doesn't even know who you are. Her parents never mentioned you. I've been with her since middle school, and I have never seen you."

"Exactly. I got taken away, and her memories got wiped. I promise you that our parents know. They know everything. That's exactly why we are here now because I want her to remember who she is. Who she is. I want her to remember me and everything she put me through." Fay gritted her teeth, her eyes darkening.

"Put you through? She has done nothing to you! You ruined her life by doing this. If you guys are so-called sisters, you should not be putting her through this."

"I'm putting her through this because we are sisters. Because she fucked up my life. I guess you don't understand, and you never will unless you understand who she is."

"Why don't you explain to me who she is?" I stepped forward. Fay narrowed her eyes, tilting her head slightly.

"Again, that's no fun. The whole point of this game is for her to figure out who she is. If I told you, you would either not believe me and tell her or be shocked and maybe stay away from her. That would also ruin the game, so I will not tell you. So we are going to sit here and wait." Fay crossed her legs, twirling her hair around.

"So we're really going to sit here? Until she comes to save me?"

"IF she comes to save you. She does not know where you are. This forest is pretty big."

"She will save me. Her memories are going to come back. We will get her parents back, and you will be defeated." I improvised the word.

"That is a lot of will you are saying here. You are quite confident in your friend, I see."

"Your sister, or so you say. How about you tell me about yourself?" I crossed my arms, not having moved from where I stood, even as Fay patted a seat beside her. Seeing as though I was not going to move, she sighed.

"My name is Fay, as you know."

"Yeah, yeah. Your life story, please." I waved my hand. Fay tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"If I tell you my life story, it defeats the game's purpose."

God, I was getting nowhere with this girl. There is no information about her or a deep secret to get this game to go by faster. This game. Ridiculous. How is this even a game? I scoffed, surveying the area around me. The door was probably sealed shut from the outside, or she used her powers to keep it closed. So, there is no exit from there. Was there an exit in the room I was in? I did not take a good look when I awoke from there. No more stairs were seen other than the ones I walked down from. Did I pass any other doors? Was I walking down a hallway? I couldn't even remember. I just acted fast and came straight down here instead of searching. Maybe if I had investigated, I would have found a way out instead of acting rashly.

"How long are you going to stand there? Sit down with me. We can chat. I don't know anything about you."

"Yes, you do. We've read the email you sent out. You've been watching, and I'm sure you've seen me around many times."

Fay smiled almost as if she was proud of me or something.  I did not want to stand in front of her any longer, nor did I want to be around her. I started walking away, going back up the stairs. Just as I had thought, I missed a couple of doors. Three doors, to be exact. Of course, it might not be the exit I was looking for, but at least I could snoop around without her bothering me. It did not look like she was even following after me or stopping me from going anywhere. What the hell is her plan anyway?

"You're not going to find anything! It's not like this is my place, so nothing but cobwebs. Maybe some old books in there that you could read in the meantime." Her voice boomed throughout the place. I scrunch my nose. So she knew I was trying to snoop for information. Damn it. Yet I still pushed open each door, revealing exactly what she said—nothing but cobwebs. But not every room had books except for the third door I opened. As long as she doesn't come in here or bother me, I guess I'll sit in here and wait.

Plopping myself in a corner, I opened up one of the books and started reading.

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