Chapter 2 : The Man

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I don't own Naruto


It's been three days and Naruto still has not waken up. Kakashi visited with Sasuke at the door. Papa visited once and I made sure to watch him. Papa put him in this position in the first place. It's the least I could do.

I stayed on my perch in the window and played my flute papa got me. I noticed some people would stop and listen to it as they passed the door to the room or in the street below.

Glancing at the door, pineapple came in. He had a basket of fruits in his right hand as his left rested in his pocket. We made eye contact and he looked away.

"You again...." I frowned. "Have you ever left this room?" I gestured to my new set of clothes. My ninja outfit. It was a dark grey dress that reached my thighs. Black spandex shorts. The dresses right side of the top was cut off. I wore a black tube top with a black obi. A fishnet shirt that had one sleeve on the left side. Brown, skin tight and knee high boots with a small hole in the heels. My hair was pulled back into a pony tail. I had papa's headband on but smaller for me.

"Did you eat?" I deadpanned him. "Right. You don't speak." I sighed and went back to playing the flute. I heard the chair creak as he sat in it. Paper crinkled as I watched the birds fly around.

I heard a groan and I stopped playing. I turned my head to look at him. He sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"Hey, finally awake." Pineapple chuckled. "Where am I?" Naruto asked, looking around. "The Hospital! You've been out for three days." Pineapple said with a bored expression.

"Why am I here with you? Where's Pervy sage?" I giggled at papa's nickname. It caught both boys' attention. Naruto's eyes widened.

"Pervy Sage!?" I blinked. "Did you turn into a girl my age so Boss Toad couldn't find you!?" I shook my head slowly. He stared at me and I stared back.

"She's been here the whole time you were. She's the one that brought you here." Naruto's eyes widened. "Why... Would you do such a thing?" I sighed and jumped to his bed. I crouched on the edge and pulled the scroll out from under the bed only to feel a poke on my chest.

"Naruto!" Pineapple hissed as I stared at Naruto. "What!? I was just seeing if she's really a she." I dropped the scroll on his legs and jumped to the window. I huffed in their direction and went to jump out the window but I stopped when I saw a boy with red hair. He was over another boys body. I gasped and went back into the room. I darted out towards that room.

I emerged and threw myself over the boy on the bed as sand began to form on him. It began to crawl onto me as I looked up into wide sea green eyes. I saw 'Love' over his left eye. He began shaking as we stared into each others eyes. The sand was staring to wrap around my throat and cutting off my airways. I saw a yellow blur and the eyes were gone.

"Ah!" Pineapple yelled. "What are you doing here!?" Naruto yelled as he landed between Pineapple and myself. "Hey, Naruto? While using my shadow copy no jutsu, I move the same as he moves." He mumbled. "Sorry." Naruto said, glaring at the red head.

"What are you up to?" The both said. They glared at each other as I began to get light headed from the lack of oxygen. I held on tighter to the boy as the sand began to shift.

"-personal grudge against him?" Pineapple asked as the sand let go of my neck. I began coughing and sunk to the floor, still holding onto the boy. "I do not." The red head said. "I'm going to kill him because I want to." I stared at him wide eyed as I coughed.

"What are you talking about!?" Naruto yelled. They had another little stare off. "If you stand in my way, I'll kill you." I felt a shiver run down my spine as he said it. "What!? Go ahead and try! I dare you!" Naruto yelled. "Hey! Naruto!" Pineapple yelled at him.

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