A month later, Tammy was out of the hospital with a slow recovery but she was still just as mean to Faith. Of course, she stopped hitting her after getting her ass beat by Karen but she started back up again soon after thinking that Karen wouldn't want her own child. But her mouth was still just as harmful to the child as her hands were. So, by the time the sisters had everything together they were collecting Faith as soon as possible because she didn't need to be in that environment especially not after what her mother had gone through.

When that Friday after noon came they pulled up with a "Child's Protection Services" at her door. "Just stay in the car and I'll go retrieve the child from the house if I sense that anything is out of order." The social worker said as they looked at Jacky who was driving her family van with her sisters in the back all except for Karen because Karen had no idea what her sisters were doing as far as custody was concerned and Tamela was right behind them waitin' to see her Goddaughter. When the social worker knocked on the door she could already tell that some foul smell was coming from inside of the house. "Was that smoke?" She asked to herself out loud smelling it through the cracks of the front door as she was hearing someone come answer it.

"Hello, are you Ms.McGee?" The social worker asked. "Tammy McGee?" The social worker stated specifically. "Yeah and who the hell are you?" Tammy asked her rudely and the social worker looked at a Tammy who just seemed to be a tad bit frazzled after sleeping on the couch and neglecting Faith. "I'm here to check on Faith Sheard." The social worker said not giving her a title. "I'm sorry but I still don't know who you are and it's Faith McGee." Tammy said correcting her. "Faith McGee is fine you don't need to see her." Tammy said blocking her view into her home and the social worker stepped back for a moment rolling her eyes. "Listen, Ma'am I'm with CPS and I've been getting calls and complaints of a child crying throughout the night and what not." She said, "So, I have orders to come and check to make sure that Faith McGee as you call her is okay. I just want to make sure that you as her adoptive mother is not in any violation of Child Laws for the city of Detroit."

The social worker said trying to remain civil with her and Tammy stepped back in shock as she was caught off-guard in presenting a presentable home. She had no idea that the social worker would from CPS. If anything she thought the same social worker was coming from Social services to see if she could continue to get benefits for Faith. But instead of her saving the money for Faith or spending it on the child she would be spending them. "Shit." She thought to herself as she knew she had no time to stall in order to clean up. "So, May I come again and I'm not gonna ask again?" The social worker said smiling and Tammy knew that was code for a threat. So, stepping further back into her home she let the social worker see how she lived.

Upon walking into Tammy's house she saw alcohol and liquor bottles all over the table to where a child could easily reach it and drink from it. She saw fresh smoke buds that were put out on the ash try with the smoke fading away. She looked around and saw baby roaches running around in the sink and jumped back when she saw an adult roach over the dirty dishes that looked like they'd been in there for three days untouched. She frowned as she saw a lock on the refrigerator door. "Why are these inappropriate items here?" She asked after taking a look in her kitchen and taking notes of everything and pictures. "You have a child that's under the age of 7 in your home. She could easily get into the alcohol and cigarette packs." The social worker scolded her. "Is her room upstairs?" The lady asked and Tammy nodded her head. At first the social worker was gonna be shocked if she said it was in the basement because the basement seemed to be locked. She didn't forget to ask her about what the was before leaving.

So, when she went upstairs, Tammy went straight to Faith's room hoping that her being on her good behavior will change the social worker's mind about taking Faith as she knew she was leaning towards that by the look on her face. "Faithhh." Tammy sing-song to try to sound nice to the little girl because they had company and Faith hid underneath her bed. "We have company." Tammy said as she hoped to goodness that girl wasn't hiding from her again. But when she opened up the door low and behold, Faith was no where to be seen. "Is this some kind of a sick joke?" The social worker asked her seeing how clean, Faith's room was but with no Faith in sight. "Oh, no she's in here she just likes to play hide and go seek." Tammy said lying to her as she went into her room. "Faith come out there's a nice lady here that wants to meet you." Tammy said being fake. But when Faith saw Tammy's feet from underneath her bed she crawled backwards away from her whimpering.

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