New School? Not cool

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You didn't really get why you had to keep moving every now and then. You were honestly getting fed up with all the moving around from different places here and there. It was getting rather annoying to be honest

"Mom, remind me why did we even have to move in the first place? Being in California LA was much better'' you grumbled under your breath and huffed as you put one of your books on your bookshelf. Your mother smiled at you and replied "Darling, you know why, I'm pretty sure you don't need me to explain the reason a hundred times now. We both got a wonderful offer to expand our business here at NYC'' and you rolled your eyes obviously dissatisfied with her answer 

Your dad walked in carrying some cardboard boxes and sent them on the ground in your new room and sighed as he arched his back "Ahh... there we go. Man, carrying those boxes was tough.. phew... I could do with a massage'' and your mother smirked and replied "Really, I thought there was someone who always used to say, my back never hurts, I don't need help'' and your father was about to reply something indignantly till you interrupted

"Dad, what sort of business opportunity did you get here?" you piped up feeling curious. Your parents looked at each other for a few moments and your father replied "Just related things, you won't really get it now, you're too young. It'll help with the growth of our company though'' your father smiled at you and you looked at your parents. You sighed and grumbled under your breath, you didn't want to go a new school and be a newbie all over again, that process was so humiliating and a bit scary too

"Sorry missy, as long as you live under our roof, there will be no gloomy faces here. Time to have some fun!" your mother squealed and she switched on the radio as you groaned. Your father clapped his hands and joined in the dance your mother was doing and somehow or the other, even you got roped into it as well. You had to admit, you were having a bit of fun in this. Even if you did feel a bit embarrassed doing a silly dance with your parents 

After a while it was almost time for dinner and you were standing in the balcony of your new house. Your new house was quite spacious, and large too. The balcony provided you with an amazing view, of all the glimmering lights getting emitted from the buildings from far and near. You stared up at the sky, wondering how your best friend Vanessa Di Paolo was doing. Vanessa had been your friend for like, 5 years. You both literally became best friends at first sight. You met her at one of your schools and she became your most trusted friend, partner in crime, advisor and she was almost like a sister to you, the bond between you was that strong 

Your mother finished preparing your favorite food for dinner and you had fun at dinner, talking with your parents and your dad making cheesy and corny dad jokes every now and then and you and your mother rolling your eyes and giggling as well. "Sweetie, there's something you should know...'' your mother drawled off and looked at you nervously as you looked at her, waiting for her to reveal the information she was hesitating to tell you 

"Look, change is the only thing that's constant in life. And we only want what's best for you so... starting from tomorrow, you'll be attending a new school, Midtown High School'' and you didn't say anything for a few moments till you sighed and replied glumly "All right, it's not like I haven't been attending new schools on a regular basis anyways'' and poked at your food on the plate. Your mother replied "Darling I know it's hard but you'll have fun, trust me. And sure, it might a while for you to adjust but I'm sure you will eventually'' she smiled at you and tried to be encouraging 

You spoke "Why can't I use my Hydrokinesis  ability to make a living, why do I even need to go to school?" you grumped and your father almost choked on his food. "Honey, remember what we said about your powers?" "Yes dad, no using them in public, got it and no talking about it too'' and he replied "Good girl''. Your mind flashed back to when you got your powers, you were quite young when you went with your dad to one of the science labs for his business meetings. You saw a beaker there with blue liquid and you felt thirsty and so you drank it by mistake which ended up in you gaining water manipulation powers like Katara from Avatar or the female version of Percy Jackson. When you first used your powers, you felt scared and you started crying, thinking your parents would abandon you but your parents were supportive of you through all of it and they were marveled by your powers. They often assured you that you weren't a freak and comforted you when you felt self conscious of your powers 

"You do need to go to school, school is very important'' your father said and stuffed his food in his mouth and you thought 'Maybe I'm looking at this in the wrong way, who knows... I might actually have fun at the new school' you thought to yourself and you smiled and replied "I'll give a try. In fact I think I'll like it since it was you both who searched for the school for me'' and your parents heaved a sigh of relief, glad you didn't cause a literal storm in the new house and create a flood

You finished your dinner and went out to your balcony as you looked up at the sky and saw the stars. Your father came out into the balcony and placed a comforting hand on your shoulder as you looked at him. "How you holding up kiddo? I know this type of change will take time, but... you'll get used to it eventually'' and you leaned back into his touch and replied "I hope this is the last place we'll be staying at'' and your father muttered 'Me too' and you went back into your room to text your friend Vanessa for a while before you'd sleep 

You told her about starting at a new school tomorrow and it wouldn't be cool and Vanessa told you that she had a surprise for you and no matter how much you pleaded and begged, she wouldn't reveal her surprise to you. You were dying and itching to know what the surprise was but she promised you that she'll tell you in person. You'd assumed it would be a video call via Skype so you didn't really think too much about it and after talking with her for a little more time, you finally shut off your laptop and decided to go to sleep. Your parents wished you good night and you closed your eyes, as your mind started creating and forming scenarios of what would happen the next day tomorrow at your new school. Tomorrow was going to be a really long day.... 

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