Ezequiel x Reader- Love in Unholy Heaven

442 7 12

Y/n: your name or a random one.
F/f: your choice of food (like mashed potato or cereal, not a full on meal).



Y/n scooped the last spoonful of f/f in their mouth and walked up the stairs, skipping two at a time. When they finally reached their room, they changed quickly into some pajamas, and once they layed down in there bed, they had a sneaking suspicion they were being watched. Slowly getting out of bed, they stared out of their window into the forest beyond the garden. They saw nothing. Deciding to go back to bed, Y/n flopped onto the bed and soon fell asleep.


{===Time skip- 1 am===}

I suddenly wake to the sounds of laughter coming from the woods. Every now and then, it sounds like the person or thing is... crying? I stroll sleepily to my window again and stare into the woods. When I got nearer to the window, the laughter and cries get louder.

Someone's definitely being a psychopath in the woods.

Slipping on some clothes, I glance at my digital clock. Wtf, 1 am??? I roll my eyes and make my way down the stairs and to the garden door. I open it slowly. There's a fence between our garden and the forest, but it's small enough for me to climb over now. I just turned 22. Wow. Utter shock. Anyways, as I jump over the fence, I only have to walk a bit into the forest to see a man kneeling in the grass, attempting to cut of his tongue and he has... Wings? My eyes widen, but I edge closer to the crazy person. I jump when his eyes flick towards me and he stops slowly, and it it send a shiver down my spine.

"Hello," he says, and I find myself lost for words. He stares at me. "Are you lost, young person?"

Uh, pretty sure I'm about the same age as you.... I reply with a short and blunt sentence. "No, my house is just over there."

"Ah, right. Well, I seem to kind of find myself lost, though," says the angle.

"You can stay at mine?"I say uneasily, realizing I just invited a stranger into my house.

"Only if it's ok with you?" Says the man.

"Yes, of course it is!" I say, smiling awkwardly.

"Well, I might as well introduce myself then. I'm Ezequiel." Ezequiel looks at you expectantly.

"Oh, right, I'm Y/n," I say and let out a hand to help Ezequiel up. I look uneasily at his wings. He obviously noticed, because they disappear. "Are you an angle, or am I hallucinating?"

He lets out a soft laugh. "No, you are correct. I am an angle."

"You're a strange angle..." I mutter. I hear him chuckle again.

{=== Time skip - You've been dating for a while now===}

I open my eyes slowly, adjusting the to the lights. I then jump out of bed and run to the window and stare down at the garden. I see Ezequiel smiling and waving up at me. I smile and wave back, and rush downstairs to let him in through the back door. I laugh a little as I do so, because I've repeatedly told him the use of a front door. He walks in and sits down on the couch. I plop down next to him an he looks me in the eyes.

"What?" I say suspiciously, thinking of what he could be thinking of.

"I was going to ask you something." He says bluntly. I stare at him, waiting for the rest.

"Well?" I say, nudging him annoyingly. He then shakes his head.

"Do I need to ask?" He asks, more to himself than me, because of course I don't know what he even wants to ask.

"Just, I dunno, ask? Or if you don't want to, then just, do what you were gonna ask to do," I shrug. He stares me in the eyes hard.

"Can I stay the night?"

Seriously. He's such a dumb ass sometimes. "Eze, you've stayed round before, you don't need to ask," I chuckle softly.

"But this time I don't wanna sleep on the couch this time." I understand now. Jesus.

"You want to sleep with me, eh?" I grin. He blushes a bit.




I look at him, then wrap my arms around him and bury my face in his chest. I feel his arm slither round me too. I look up at him. I wonder what to do. I haven't had breakfast. I get up and prepare a breakfast of f/f. As I set it down on the table and begin to scoop it into my mouth hungrily, I feel Ezequiel wrapping his arms around my neck and rests his chin on my head.

"Anything wrong?" I ask helpfully.

"Can I kiss you?" He says, and I don't know what to make of it.

"I'm eating though," I reply dully. What a time to ask for a first kiss.

"Ok, after?" Why is he asking like this. Just- just I dunno- ask in a different way at a different time for god's sake.

"Eze, shut up and go and sit down, I'll come when I'm ready," I huff grumpily. I hear him walk away and I inhale the last of my f/f (not legitimately) . I stroll over to him on the sofa and curl up next to him.

"Hello," he says.

"Hi?" I reply, a bit confused.

He stares at me admiringly and I roll my eyes. "Do you want to watch something on TV?" He says after a while of staring at me unnervingly. I can see the desperation in his eyes.

"Oh, just shut up and kiss me already you douchebag," I complain, and then he does what I say, he kisses me. I don't know how to describe the feeling. Kissing the person you love most in the world seems like heaven to me... But this love is probably the most unholy I've ever been in, considering what this scarred, crazy angle gets up to sometimes.


At Lojart Ocs X Reader | Possibly Discontinuedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें