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(Syd at the top)

(Tyler's POV)

As i pull up too the courtyard, i park and we all get out. We all start walking then we get something too eat then we get out, Syd brings our food back too the table and she rushes so she can sit by me for some reason. So Siera sits across from me and we smile at each other. I can sense Syd getting jealous...why though? She likes pussy for fucks sake. We all start eating then we get up and start walking around the mall, then we find ourselfs into the vans outlet store. We look around as Siera stays close too me. I look at her, "what's wrong?" "N-Nothing.." She says, as i notice her look over 3 men staring over at us. I start too walk over but i feel Syd yank me back by pulling the hood on my hoodie. "What the fuck? No! Who are they Siera?" She looks down, "my ex..he's crazy...he won't leave me alone.." She says. I walk up too him and his group, "what the fuck is your problem?" I say as i push him. "What the fuck man? She was mine first!" He says bitchingly. Luckly all of the OF group was here. While Siera & Syd just stood there. Taco, Jasper, Left, Hodgy, Mike,Lionel, And I. All started jumping them as the store associate tried breaking it up, i guess its considered a riot, the police came and we all left. Syd grabbed my hand,which is werid, i slowly pulled my hand away, i just don't like her like that. I don't see how she can't see that i like Siera..

(Syd's POV)

I can't believe this. He just rejected me..its probably because i look like a boy..and he doesn't want people too think he's gay. But shit. Siera has something coming for her. I've known T longer than her, he is my boss after all..but still. He's mine. Not hers. She's probably just a booty call anyway. I think too myself and smirk. "What nigga?" Tyler says, "oh nothing T." I say as i smirk and look Siera up and down. She is fine though. I chuckle too myself. She doesn't know what i'm capable of.


Sorry if its short. Lmao.

Our Odd Future (Tyler, The Creator)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ