Chapter 2: Alone Together with Him

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They all smirked at me.

"Looks like Rinko is already in a puberty stage."

"Rinrin, if you already got a boyfriend, please still hang out with me!"

"Shirokane san, being in love is not a bad thing because it helps you to be motivated, but remember that your relationship shouldn't be in the way of our practice."

"Minato san is right. And also, please be sure that Amasawa kun is the right person for you."

Like I said, that's not it!

After they tease me, we continued to practice until we decided to go home.

Ako chan said she was going out with her sister tonight so she can't go home together with me.

Hikawa san had the same reason as well.

She said that she was invited by Hina chan to eat potato fries, while Minato san and Imai san will go first to the cat cafe before heading home.

Because of that, I will go home today alone.

"Bye bye Rinko!"

"Bye Rinrin!"

"Be careful out there Shirokane san."

"Potato, potato, potato."

"Bye guys!" I said as I wave my hand to them.

While Im walking my way back, two suspicious guy approach me.

"Hey miss, wanna hang out with us?" Said the one who had red spikey hair with black colored eyes.

"We promise, this will gonna be fun!" The other one said who had black long hair with sky blue colored eyes.

"S-sorry, actually, I-Im in a bit h-hurry so I t-t-think I will pass." When I was about to leave, the guy with spikey hair grab my arms.

"Wait! Don't you think we gonna let you off easily?" This time, my hands and knees are shaking.

I can't hide my fear anymore.

The guy with long black hair push me to the wall, slam his hands into it, then lift my chin upwards while looking at me maliciously.

"You're cute aren't cha? Why don't you take our offer and have some fun with us?" In this situation, I don't know what to do anymore.

I felt helpless.

I realize how weak I am.

Somebody, please help me!

When the guy was about to touch my body, we suddenly heard a police siren from a distance which makes the two guys alert.

"Shit! Who the fuck called the police?"

"Man, let's get away from here before we get caught." As the two guys fled away, a familiar figure appeared.

A guy with a normal height, nightsky hair, and sharp emerald green colored eyes.

"Are you okay, Shirokane san?" He asked.

"Y-yes, thank you f-for saving me Amasawa kun. By the way, where is the police?"

"Police? Ahh.... I didn't call a police."

"Ehh? Then what is those siren we heard earlier?"

"You mean this?" He took his phone from his pocket and he play the police siren.

Note and Tone of Love (Shirokane Rinko x OC) HiatusМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя