Thank You!

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Hey there guys!

How are you all doing this Holiday Season?

I just want to wish you all a Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays!

It's been a while since I've updated and written something in here, and to be honest, I really miss writing my books. Writing fan fictions, and ever since I was introduced to this platform It's been quite the rollercoaster. I've had a lot of fun writing, especially that Lisa Book.

But this Holiday season, I realized the true reason why I really enjoyed writing in here all this time. Whilst trying to have new ideas and finish all my tasks in the outside world, I reminisced about how much I've been having a lot of fun writing and communicating during the free times.

And I realized that, I was happy because...

It's because of You.

Yes, you. The readers and fellow writers who are reading this right now.

So uh, before I get to the point, let me tell the story of EJ Palugod, a young man who pretty much lost his hope and found it again.

Back in the pre-pandemic, I was a performer. Singing in choirs, stage shows, and playing music was pretty much my whole life, a majority in my Junior High years. I had not that much friends, and honestly, I felt so empty at first. And when the pandemic pretty much struck all of us, I was faced with many challenges.

I didn't know what to do, I didn't know what to say, and I lost a lot during the pandemic. I lost my grandma, I slowly lost my passion with things, and I really thought it was going to be the end of me, especially that one time I was struck with the virus itself.

I really felt like I was in a very low point of my life at that time.

But then, I discovered Quintessential Quintuplets, BanG Dream, and Wattpad, while I was going over and finding something I could clearly try to cope up with, and then... That's when I was formally introduced to all of you guys.

Thinking about it, I went a head to read the works in the platform, and they all truly sparked something within me. So I went on ahead to try and write one myself. At first I wasn't clearly sure about it, and didn't have the courage to do so... But then I tried, and still gave it a go.

You know, I wasn't something of a scientist myself back then, but I still did try my best. (Oh man, another Raimi reference....)

And while doing so, I was introduced to this world; Read works that truly made me inspired to do more stuff like them, and eventually finally get in touch with the people that made an impact on me.

When I was introduced to the Writer's Community and Wattpad, I met a bunch of people, including those authors that truly made an impact and inspired me to do the same. And I met a lot of great readers and writers as well in here. All of it was just a very fun experience for me, and is something that I am truly grateful for.

I also met people who were like me, and who understood things that I've been going through, even in tough times, in laughing times, and in crying times, people who are there by your side.

So... to cut it short, Ever since I've started writing Fan fictions, and meeting all of you guys....

May it be writers who continue to publish and make works, or readers who enjoy the story overall, with all having fun... It helped me, grow and get out of the ditch I used to be in.

You guys took me out of the darkness, and I really am very grateful for that.

From the bottom of my heart... Thank you everyone... For Everything.


And I hope you all have happy holidays! I hope for everyone to have fun, and have a wonderful Christmas and New Year.

To all the Writers that Inspired me.... I really look up to all of you, and will continue to look up to you guys. You've gave me a new reason to strive and pulled me out of my darkness, and sparked something inside me anew. You inspired me through your works, and One day, I really hope to be like you guys... So Thank you for Everything! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


To all the Readers reading this right now, I am truly grateful for you guys. After all, You guys being happy makes me being happy as well. It gives me joy, and happiness to see you guys enjoying every moment, and You guys are the ones giving me the energy to do more stuff. I'm really sorry if I made you guys wait for a very long time, it's just that I really had a lot of things on hand, and Ii was being robbed of my time. But I'm glad you guys are still staying strong till this day. Seeing you guys really make me happy, and you guys are also the ones that got me out of tough spot. So sincerely, I thank you all for that. I'm very very Grateful for that. Thank you, all of you... You guys are truly the best!


Man, I really have things to be thankful for...

So uhm, that's pretty much it... I really appreciate all of you guys, and hope that you are all doing okay and having a wonderful time, and Happy Holidays!

I'm truly looking forward to move on to the New Year with all of you guys!

Merry Christmas and I love you all!!!




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