Ch. 27 Aoba

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Kizuki once said that she hadn’t made anyone a demon, well she did. She made three people demons. Two woman one male, one was Agatsuma Toko who lived with her demon husband – that Kizuki didn’t transform – in Hosu.

Then there was Aoba. Her grandson, he was very attached to Inosuke and still was. He was a scientist and searched for the blue spider lily. The boy had an interest for it, and Kizuki was also curious.

Demons weren't fully exterminated so the place where she did research was surrounded by wisteria trees and lived in Mistufastu.

She rarely came to clan meetings since she was very busy. So that day Kizuki watched the missed call she smiled, Aoba was gonna visit. 

Kizuki looked at her side and blushed when she saw her lover, Katsuki, she needed to let Aoba know after all.
She told Katsuki her case and told him that her grandson Aoba was gonna visit that evening at the High Alliance and if he wanted to meet her.


There the raven head stood, his green eyes shy as he clutched his bag in his hands. He was two-hundred years old. He hoped that if he asked his grandmother of the boar head she still had it since it was very old.

Just then he saw his grandmother walk out, beside her a blonde male. His eyes blood red and his hair ash blonde.

“Isn’t that the anger issues brat from the sports festival?” his companion asked as he stood beside her.

Her companion was assigned to protect her, well their family sworn to protect the Hashibira (Kibutsuji) and there he was. It was Takeo, from the Demon slayer corps and the current Water Hashira. His golden eyes on the student while he held the umbrella over the demon.

He nodded, “looks like it,” the sun beamed like there’s no tomorrow making him wince. He hid his leg in the shadow as he felt the sun born his tow.

Kizuki got close and hugged Aoba, “baby! My beloved child!” she pinched his cheeks grinning.

Even if Kizuki looked very joyful seeing him alive and well she was worried for him, after all he was shy male. She looked at the Water Pillar and nodded and greeting. They lacked of socializing. He was a man that liked to talk.

Being quirkless made them an outcast, but the demon slayer corps made them a part of the ‘hero’ society. Even if they were seen as vigilantes due to them ‘illegally’ saving humans in the shadows.

The Slayers were never acknowledged by the government, since demons were a myth.

So for Takeo – who was quirkless – made him an outsider from his family and was mistreated by many making him detest the system. Until he came across a demon.

The demon was killed by a demon slayer, the one that now is master. Making him loyal to the Ubuyashiki family and the organization. Also he was loyal to the Hashibira after she saved him a few times when he was new. He owned her his life.

And so he was assigned to protect Aoba that knew most of the blue spider lily. Many demons attacked Aoba the last ten years since he knew the basic ingredients of the cure and how to make a demon immune to the sun.
That was the reason the female-looking man was there.

“hey grandma.” He smiled hugging her and then glanced at the blonde, “who’s that?”


Sitting outside a café they talked as Aoba told his grandma over his life catching up and told her of his idea of the cure. The cure was once made by a doctor named Tamayo, he had find information of that in Toko, who carried information for that in her blood.

Kizuki knew why, after all Toko was granddaughter of Nezuko who took the medication.

“There’s a friend of mine that assisted Tamayo,” she started sipping her smoothie, “I can let him help you.” She placed the plastic cup down.

They chatted, but Aoba didn’t like the man much, even if his sent was similar to grandpa Inosuke, he reminded him from his late grandfather. Even if his grandfather was aggressive and loud as him, he still didn’t like the man much.

His grandmother told him he was reborn as Bakugou Katsuki. The man was a bit calmer, even if he snapped at him and Takeo and some bystanders from staring too much. Grandpa was the same, well he had much less manners, he would be yelling that he wanted tempura.

He smiled sadly he loved his grandfather a lot, after all the man gave him his name, Aoba. Plus he took after him looking just like him, even if his father Yorichii didn’t look lot like him.

His father had plum colored eyes and green tips in place of aqua blue. His father was fascinated with how pretty Aoba was, but didn’t know how to call him.

His mother who passed away that same moment couldn’t name him. So it was a burden on his shoulders to name the boy after he already named his other six sons and daughters.

So Inosuke did, calling him Aoba, saying, “our family is filled with red and blue eyes, and finally a pair of green eyes popped in our generation, Aoba.” (A/N I don’t know the actual meaning, so yeah.)

“hey, miss.” Aoba didn’t answer, knowing it was someone else, oh he was wrong.

He felt a tap on his shoulder and looked up seeing a man, it was late at night and he was alone walking into a forest to get a meal – animal. He didn’t get to enter the forest when someone called him ‘miss’!

He’s a man for Pete’s sake!

It was full moon and night, his shy demeanor vanished as he glared at the drunk man, “the hell you want?!” he growled.

The man wobbled closer making him grimace at the awful sent of alcohol and pinched his small nose with a two fingers taking a step back. His demonic nose didn’t help making the sent 100x stronger than normally.

“Pretty lady,” he slurred, “entertain me tonight.”

He was a man, plus he was already interested in another man, yes, man. So he used his demon speed and vanished from there deep into the forest in the outskirts of the city trying to get his hands of a juicy animal, maybe a rabbit or a fox, those were his favorite.

Bears also, but they weren't easy to find there.

The New Queen. ✔(Book 1) (KNYxMHA Crossover)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα