Interview #4 with @marie_1804

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Holo bondhugon! SWAGATAM SAWAGATAM!!

soooooo, aj hamare sath Marie hai yani marie_180
And yeah the drawing in the banner is sketched by me :)

Me : Toh hi marie!so how are you?

Marie: Hi! I'm good what about you?

Me: i'm always good 🤓

1.So, what's your ambition Marie?

Marie: My ambition is to become a successful journalist and poet and also a good person.

Me: Well, you already are a good person and that really amazing!
2. Now tell me a thing which is really precious to you but useless to others.

Marie: The book i wrote is very important to me but it's like any other normal book to others.So yeah the book i wrote “Time In My Dream Land”.

Me: Well that's wonderful and your book is important to us too ♡︎

3.Now,If i grant you 3 wishes then what will you for?

Marie: 1st a power from which i can get to know who can be a real friend
2nd doreamon's pocket and 3rd i can have everything i want for the rest of my life.

Me: woah that's cool and doraemon's pocket mere bhi wishlist me hai.
4 what do you want to change about our society?And tell me a good thing about the society.

Marie: There are many things bad going on this world but i would change the judgemental throughts of people like they literally judge from how a person looks. And i believe that everyone is born beautiful, it is just what we live in a judgement society.
And a good thing can be that people are starting to treat girls same as boys ane that's good.

You know, i want to know your answer too to this question okay?

.Me: I absolutely agree with you. People still differentiate between black and white, fat and slim. Being a skinny girl, i have gone through so much. Relatives always asks mu mum don't you feed your child in place of asking how are you. Still in Indian commercials we can see ads like fair and lovely. People started treating boys and girls equally but still in remote places they are not treated equally. Arre see in our surrounding only boys can't show their feelings. They can't cry. Still, things like rapes happens. There are a lot of things to change.

Marie : you are absolutely right.

Me: okay, now tell me one weird or funny experience you had in wattpad.

Marie: i guess there is no such experience of mine actually, because i don't know much people here.

Me: okay.. Then tell me something that you like a lot about @wattpad

Marie: wattpad gives an opportunity to show our talent and that's the best thing :)
And i think we all agree with that.

Me: i agree Marie!

Marie: Hehe

Marie: Hehe

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