A Knowing Spirit

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When Karen was getting ready to be done with everyone who needed it Deacon Roy came up. Karen sensed that the Deacon didn't really need prayer but she couldn't refuse him but at the same time it was like her body froze. Dorinda stood beside her feeling her sister's tensed body through the atmosphere. She arched her eyebrow but she didn't say anything as she watched her sister interact with Deacon Roy. "What is it you need prayer for?" Karen asked trying not to sound too smart as the man was beginning to annoy her all over again as she got the anointing oil ready although she didn't want to anoint him she knew she had to do it anyways.

As Karen said this the Deacon roughly grabbed onto both of her hands as Karen didn't miss the fact that she purposefully refused to hold his hands before she started praying with him and she gulped a little bit. The Bishop heard her and looked over to his right and saw what Deacon Roy was doing as he let the microphone lean a little turning sideways towards the two. The Bishop stared at Deacon Roy for a moment as the music kept playing to distract the congregation and the Bishop eyed the Deacon's hands as he noticed that Deacon Roy was holding on a bit too rough for both her and his liking. He watched Deacon Roy until he loosened up and as Karen started the prayer the Bishop went back to what he was doing hurriedly closing the service out.

Usually he would go a bit longer but he couldn't stand to see that man so close and so, near to his wife. He nearly, had the Bishop come out of his character today over his wife if he hadn't let go within the time limit he was giving the Deacon.

"Amen. Amen. Amen everybody." The Bishop spoke into the mic as he clapped his hands still looking at Deacon Roy trying not to purse his lips because the congregation knew when the Bishop was mad so he tried to calm himself down. He didn't dismiss people back to their seats to give the closing remarks. Instead he had the stay where they were at especially Deacon Roy. So he could watch him. He didn't trust Deacon Roy as far as he could throw him.

When the Bishop did the Benediction and was closing out in prayer automatically the church went around in a circle holding the next person's hands without him saying it. He didn't say it this time hoping that they would forget or either just not do it. But the church was so accustomed to doing it they didn't even need for him to remind them of it. So, when the Bishop didn't say anything about getting into a circle or holding your neighbors hand the congregation just did it. Which in turn he was kind of proud of them but at the same time he wished they didn't do it. He watched how, Deacon Roy took this opportunity to get in between, Dorinda and Karen. He smiled at Dorinda trying to seem normal but Dorinda scrunched up her face as well not even trying to hide it like Karen does.

She watched as the man quickly held onto Karen's hand. She also watched her brother-in-law watch him and Dorinda knew that the Bishop didn't even like this Deacon that much like he did the other ones. 'He was too friendly with Karen', Dorinda thought and she didn't know that her baby sister had said the same thing about him a week earlier at the beginning of bible study. But they weren't there due to the fact that they were at their own respective churches for bible study.

When they were done with praying they let go of each others hands and the congregation hugged each other. They didn't even wait for the Bishop to give the famous line of "Hug ya neighbor next to ya." Once again, Deacon Roy took this opportunity to 'hug' Karen. As he was hugging her, Karen felt as if he was hugging to tight on purpose and she didn't like it. She felt his hands go to and stop at places where they shouldn't go such as trying to feel for her bra strap during hugs and when she tried to pull away from him after hugging him for a few seconds he pulled her back into the hug as he sneakily tried to feel her up. But when he did that the Bishop quickly pushed him off of Karen sick of this man already.

He nearly, went flying back it happened so fast that everybody thought that Deacon Roy tripped over his own two feet and didn't know that it was the Bishop who had basically shoved him backwards. When they went to go help him up the Bishop was literally over today as he took his wife rubbing the small of her back to give her a little comfort as she patted his stomach signaling for him to 'calm down.' He didn't even wait to talk to the rest of the members of the church as he would normally do or to her sisters. He just wanted to get his wife out of there as quickly as possible and back home.

"What's up with the Bishop?"Jacky asked. "Oh, now you're concerned." Dorinda said as she folding her arms in a "I told you so" manner but Jacky only rolled her eyes. "He seemed a little off today don't you think?" Jacky said. "Y'all don't worry about it it's probably something they need to deal with." Twinkie said trying to calm her sisters down. "We can just ask Karen so we can stop assuming." Twinkie told them as they walked to his office. When they made it to his office, Dorinda knocked on their door seeing that they were inside with Kierra. "Hey hey." Dorinda said opening his door as the Bishop let them come in. "What happened today?" Dorinda asked talking about the energy that was being displeased and Karen pursed her lips shrugging her shoulders as she tried to play dumb. "Now, don't play dumb with me." Dorinda said, "And why are all the Deacons seatings pushed further away from you two?" Dorinda asked, Drew as she pointed in between them.

"I'm just trying something new" the Bishop said hoping that Dorinda would drop it. But there was no dropping nuthin once Dorinda knew that something was going on she was going to get to the bottom of it. "mmhm" she said not buying it. "So, why was that Bishop all over Karen?" Dorinda asked coming straight out with it not giving any warnings whatsoever and the Bishop nearly, choked on his spit. "Uh huh I see how he was doing you and I don't like him either." Dorinda said to Karen and Karen honestly had no words as she stretched her hands out having no idea what to do.

"Doe I don't know I honestly don't know what to say." Karen said. "But we're handling it." Karen told her sisters as she looked behind her at Drew who was packing up his things to leave. "Okay." Dorinda said still having her arms folded. "But just know if you need me to talk to Deacon Roy for you I would do it in a heart beat." She said smiling at her baby sister as she left her office smothering kisses all over her niece, Kierra.

When they left the couple both let out a whew exhausted from today and ready to go back home.

To be continued...


Do y'all think Karen should let Dorinda know how her and Drew really feel about Roy or no?

Thanks for reading!

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