And So The Little Yellow Robot Knows

Start from the beginning

They had searched for an hour, had searched at every corners of the house, even Petir have a thought of digging a hole in the backyard, maybe Tok Abah accidentally buried that useless plaque in there. Aikh, don't do that Petir.

Ochobot, with his eyes almost looked dead, asked Atok, "Now what Atok? We've been looking for an hour and still haven't found it."

Tok Abah sighed, "Aikh, if it's like this there is no other choice. Atok had to ask Boboiboy to use 'that'."

"'That'?" Ask Ochobot

The Boboiboy trio, who were lying on the floor, looked at Atok with curious eyes.

"Yes , 'that'. Even though Atok doesn't really want to make Atok's grandson uncomfortable, this is an emergency."

The Boboiboy trio blinked, confused at what Atok's said. Ochobot was the same, "What is 'that'? And what does that have to do with Boboiboy?"

Tok Abah ignored Ochobot, "Boboiboy, you really saw the plaque containing the business license, right?"

Tanah, which had been laying on his back, got up from his position, "Yes, Tok, why?"

"Use your ability."

The Boboiboy trio felt something inside of them felt tense with surprise, then Tanah crossed his arms, "Boboiboy Cantum Semula!" Angin and Petir turned into balls of light and entered Tanah, turning into Boboiboy again.

Boboiboy looked at his grandfather, unsure at what Atok just said, "Using my ability? Are you sure?" he asked.

Atok nodded, "Yes, we've searched all over the house and haven't found it. So please use your ability to 'conjure' Atok's plaque."

Boboiboy rubbed his arms, still unsure, "But Atok-"

"If you are worried about what your uncle said, let Atok handle it. So don't worry. After all this is for the family, and also we are in the house."

"That's not it... There's Ochobot..." he said while glancing at the yellow robot who was looking at the two of them with a confused look.

Ochobot, who had been silent all this time, started to feel annoyed, with smoke coming out of his head, "Ish, what were you two talking about earlier?" he asked as he flew between grandpa and grandson, "I'm confused, what are you guys talking about? What do you mean by 'ability'?"

The grandfather and grandson just looked at Ochobot, "Just tell him. After all, Ochobot lives under the same roof as us, so he will know sooner or later." Tok Abah said.

Boboiboy nodded, "Okay Atok," he then looked at the yellow robot that had given him his elemental power, "Ochobot, we have something to tell you, but please keep it a secret," he asked.

"Eh? Why?"

"Because it's a secret."

"What secret?"

"Secret... Secret!"

"Yeah, why keep it a secret?!"

"Because it's a secret!"

"Ish, enough already you two! Well, Ochobot, what we are going to tell you is actually not a secret, but people are a little reluctant to talk about it, even in a village like this. If they know Boboiboy has an 'ability', they will feel uncomfortable with Boboiboy and that will make things awkward."

Ochobot was silent for a few seconds, "...What about Yaya, Gopal, and Ying? Do they know about this?" he asked and Boboiboy made a conflicted face.

"...People don't know, and it's also up to Boboiboy whether he wants to tell them or not," said Tok Abah while looking at his grandson. Boboiboy is still frowning, "... maybe later Tok, I'm still not ready," he said.

Tok Abah nodded in understanding, "Okay, I understand. Now, let's use your ability." Ochobot groaned, "Et dah, wait a minute! You still haven't made it clear what you mean by 'ability'!"

"Instead of explaining, it's better to see it firsthand," said Atok, trying to calm Ochobot as Boboiboy cupped his hands in front of him and closed his eyes.

Suddenly, from his hands came an orange glow with some kind of hologram of the letters that made up words, but the words appeared too fast that Ochobot couldn't read them. From within the vortex of the hologram, a box-shaped object appeared and when the light and swirl of words disappeared, in Boboiboy's hand was the plaque they had been looking for.

Tok Abah took the plaque and inspected it, "Hmmm... yep, this is the exact plaque," he said while stroking his grandson's head, "Thank you."

If Ochobot had a mouth, he would have been gaping, "WHAT WAS THAT?????!!!!!"

The grandfather-grandson duo looked at Ochobot, "That," said Tok Abah while waving at Boboiboy who is still look hesitant, "is ability."

Ochobot look at Tok Abah with a deadpan stare, "I still have no clue what the fuck was that, Tok."


End of Chapter 1


Thank you for reading chapter 1!

Uuuuunggghhh... finally done with this, although I don't really like the ending. It feel rushed, but meh, I can edit it later (if ever)

Now I am going to work on the next chapter! So long~

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