"Hi sweetheart," I drop Victoria and greet my wife greeting her in a soft hug and I give her a kiss on the head, repeating what I did with Tori.

"Hi," she muffles into my shoulder, I pull away and kiss her lips delicately.

I am so deeply in love.

"Ew!" I hear Tori screech and I let go of Paige and chase her around the kitchen, "Oooh, is that lasagna I smell?" I ask while still chasing her around.

Paige giggles loudly, "It sure is."

Suddenly crying engulfs the room and I'm looking around to see who's crying, "Shoot, its Isaac." Paige says while taking her apron off.

Time to let my stunning wife chill out for the evening, "Relax, ill get him, grab a glass of wine and chill, sweetheart," I say while heading out the kitchen.

I hear her laugh before going up the stairs.

I pass by a 3 doors before turning right down another small hallway.

Finally I reach Isaacs room, 'Isaac's Room' written in green on the door.

I open it slowly and enter the pitch dark room, "Dada?" Isaac calls out in his cute little voice.

"Yes, it's me." I walk over to his crib dodging the toys on the floor, Paige and him must've been playing earlier.

I carefully take him out of his crib and he giggles loudly, his blonde hair all scruffy and his dimples popping out.

The features of his mother.

We walk downstairs carefully while I tickle his stomach and he fixes his dinosaur t-shirt to fit properly every time I tickle him.

He's adorable.

"Aw, that's so cute. Send me the Christmas cards they made!" I hear Paige say as I enter the kitchen and notice she is on the phone.

Definitely on to either, Maria or...

Yep, Maria.

"She's here, if you'd like to talk to her?" She looks over at me, smiles and then hands the phone to Victoria.

Yep, that's Maria.

"Hewo Maria," Victoria says cutely and I place Isaac down in his high chair.

"She's calling again?" I ask while buckling him up.

"Yep, that's twice now. It's the pregnancy, I was the same." She says as she checks on the lasagna.

"Oh yeah, you used to call me like 50 times a day, someone to talk to?" I reply.

She laughs like crazy while Victoria goes on and on about a new cartoon.

Your probably asking, Maria pregnant? Wtf?

Well guess what, she married Marcus too.

And she's having her third kid. Hard to believe isn't it?

Marcus and I go out for drinks once a month now as they live 50 km away.

"Otay, bye bye Maria!" She hands the phone back to Paige and runs off into the living room giggling.

"Me, go too!" Isaac shouts and I let him out to go play with her.

He runs out following her, giggling as well.

"Right right, we will call over during the Christmas break for dinner, talk to you later. Love you." Paige ends the call.

"How's Tommy doing?" I ask while cleaning over the island.

"He's doing okay, the surgery went great." She replies while taking the lasagna out of the oven.

Tommy got his appendix out the other day. If you're wondering.

I take out some knifes and forks and set the table quickly.

"Tori, Isaac! Dinner!" Paige shouts out to the kids and they instantly come storming in.

Victoria reaches up onto her seat and I place Isaac in his highchair.

I sit down in my end seat and Paige places the lasagna in the middle.

She then sits down gently and cracks her knuckles.

"Shall we dig in?" She asks.

I am looking around the table absorbing my family in.

What a wonderful world.

What a more wonderful family I have.

"Yes yes yes!" The kids call out and I laugh.

I cannot wait to grow old with my wife and watch these angels grow.

Deep Blue EyesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ