Chapter 1 - The Framework of Murderers (Prologue)

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     My footsteps echoed as I ran through the empty streets. panicked thoughts streaming through my mind. I didn't do it! I wailed inwardly. So why am I running?

     A dog barking made me flinch in surprise, coming to a stumbled halt in front of an apartment. I noticed it wasn't locked, so I fumbled it open and darted inside, shutting the door quietly behind me. My mind replayed what had happened:

     "So, Raine, are you perhaps free for tonight?" He smiled at me.

     "No, I'm afraid." I responded sadly. "I have personal plans tonight." He was about to ask what when a bang! filled the night silence. His expression went from pained to peaceful before he slumped to the ground. My mouth watered at the smell of blood as I looked up to see a shadowed figure. He had an object in his hand, pointed at me.

     "He was warned." The man pulled out a phone, dialing some numbers.

     "Hello? Yes, there's a murder here not too far away from Baker Street." I started running as he added, "The killer has blonde hair and purple eyes sir! I saw her with my own eyes."

     I squeezed my eyes shut, sighing in despair. My best friend was killed, and I was the suspect.

     I tiptoed up the stairs, wary of the slightest noise. I didn't know who owned this, and it's quite an insult for one to intrude on another's living quarters. I'll just take some food and go.

     I passed through the living room, which gave away to two rooms. I chose the one on the left, hoping it was the kitchen. I hadn't noticed that the kitchen was actually tucked away in the corner. Instead, the room was a tidy bedroom.

     "... Well it wouldn't hurt to try it." I muttered to myself, exhausted. I gently felt the mattress before easing myself into it, surprised by the relaxation.

     Unfortunately, I was so relaxed that I fell asleep quickly.

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