"Sorry..." he said with a forced smile.

"Anyways, want to hang out at my home?" Yui asked casually.


When they finally arrived at her house, she opened the door. At the entrance were no shoes to be spotted, meaning that besides them nobody was home.

The two took off their shoes and went to the living room.

"Want something to drink?" she asked.

"I guess I'll have some water." he answered.

As she prepared the drinks, Kazuma sat on the couch and checked his phone. And like always, he did not receive any new messages.

"As social as always, are we?" Yui remarked sarcastically with a devilish grin.

"I don't care. I don't go to school to make friends." he shrugged her off.

"Pfffff! S-sorry, but this is making me cringe." she said while trying not to laugh.

Kazuma turned a bit red due to being embarrassed.

"You say that but here you are, hanging out at your friend's home after getting rejected by your crush." she teased him as she walked around him in circles.

"First of all, anybody would have a crush on her. She's basically a goddess!" he clarified.

"And secondly, I think of you as a friend because you are an ...exception... I guess." he murmured shyly and embarrassed.

Yui was his first friend he made since starting high school.

"What did you say? I couldn't get the last part." she said as she leaned with her ear closer on him.

"Ah, shut up! Where is my water?" he ignored her.

"Alright, alright. I think I should stop with the teasing for now. Here is your water."

As she handed him his water, he snatched it from her quickly and chugged the water.

Meanwhile somewhere else, a group consisting of high school boys and girls were partying in a karaoke booth. While some were chatting with their friends, others were eating snacks or choosing what song they want to sing next.

In the center of that mob was a boy with dyed blonde slicked back hair and with two girls around his arms like he owned the whole place. Overall, his whole demeanor was arrogant. He had golden earrings matching his eyecolor and wore a smile that was not reaching his eyes.

"Hey, have ya heard already, Kirisaki-kun? We've a loser at our school who asked out the same girl for a month and got rejected for the 14th time today. Ain't that totally hilarious?" one of the girls sitting next to the boy commented.

"I know, right? He's kinda gross." the other girl stated.

"Haha, is that so? What a pathetic virgin." the boy said as he laughed.

While these three laughed. Another boy tried to join the conversation.

"What are you laughing about, Kirisaki-san?" the other boy asked.

"We were just talking about the boy who got rejected for the 14th time today." one of the girls answered.

"Ah! You mean the 'Master of Rejections', right?" he asked.

"What's with that lame-ass nickname?" the girl commented.

"At school we're calling him like that. I mean, he got rejected 14 times already in a month." he explained.

"But honestly, he sure has guts to confess to Tachibana-san so many times despite being rejected every time."

As the boy mentioned the name of the girl who got confessed to, the entire mood in the booth changed for the worse.

Many of those gathered there, looked nervously into the same direction. The girls, who were sitting next to the person everyone focused on, slowly moved away. Not having a single clue to what happened, the boy restlessly looked around and then tried to identify where their gazes were fixed on. When he turned over, the blonde boy stood right before him. He looked with fierce eyes at the now nervously sweating boy and grabbed him by his collar.

"Tell me the name of the bastard who confessed to Emma." the blonde boy ordered him.

"I-I-I think it was Ichinose. I-Ichinose Kazuma." he stuttered.

Crash. Clatter.

Having heard the name, he shoved the boy and then kicked the table over where the drinks and snacks were placed. A huge mess was left on the floor.

"Seems like I was a tad too long absent from school..."

He was annoyed and sighed.

"Time to kick some ass!" he announced with a now aggressive and fierce demeanor.

"Yeaaah!!" the crowd shouted in unison.

It was 9pm. After having dinner at Yui's house, Kazuma decided to go home.

"Are you really fine?" Yui asked.

"Are you talking about my rejection? Then don't worry. After all, I'm the 'Master of Rejections'. As if I would get down from being rejected for the 14th time." Kazuma answered while putting on his shoes at the entrance.

"I don't know if you should be proud about having such a title, haha..." she commented with a forced laugh.

"But honestly, I admire you. You still haven't give up on your crush despite her having a fiance." she said.

"W-w-what?!" Kazuma asked hectically.

"Huh? You didn't know?!" Yui reacted baffled.

Both of them stared at each other puzzled and shocked.

Master Of Rejections But Beginner At LoveΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα