The wait

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Cardan was stretched out on a long divan in the royal chamber. He hid his eyes by placing his arm over them. It has been two days since he sent three messengers to Queen Orlagh. She still hasn't responded.

Along with the grand general, he mobilized a vast army, all which are waiting for just a nod from the High King. Cardan decided to give queen Orlagh three nights and days. Should she not send a message back by then, they will go to war with the Undersea. A war between earth and sea - and who said the vastness of the ocean couldn't be swallowed by the wrath of one passionate man. One King who yearned for someone whose lungs were likely drowned by salt water at the moment.

Jude... Where are you?

He doesn't dare to let his thoughts wander off. He wants to believe that she is still somewhere, somewhere among them. Somewhere where he can find her.

His thoughts were interrupted by the bomb, who entered the chamber using the balcony. The chilly breeze sends shivers down his spine. It stormed upon Elfhame for two straight nights and days. It wasn't until now that it slowly settled. It has also been two nights and days since Cardan truly slept. Every time he finally dozed off into a slumber, he was tormented by nightmares. Nightmares of him losing yet another person. Nightmares of his brother violating her. Nightmares of death.

The Bomb rashly enters the room. The moon reflected the whiteness of her hair.

"Your Highness! Queen Orlagh responded!"

The words rush through Cardan's brain like quicksilver. He finds himself on his feet wearing a grave expression.

"What is it!"

"Queen Orlagh wants to negotiate. Tomorrow at dusk, your Highness ought to meet her at the cliff... She said nothing more..."

"She didn't mention anything about Jude? Nothing at all?"

"She sent all messengers back without harming them, as sign of good faith. She said the fate of our Seneschal depends on what will be negotiated tomorrow."

The Bomb sighs in relief. "It is likely that she is alive."

Cardan turned around to hide his expression from the Bomb. He sighed deeply, his face portraying mixed expressions of worry and relief. His emotions were all stirred up. The past two days, Cardan was forced to make a great many decisions. He often felt lost - overwhelmed and angered by the many details- yet if there was a moment where he did feel relief, it was when he imagined Jude standing beside him, giving him a bunch of commands which he obeyed- regardless how absurd he believed them to be.

I can get her back. She is alive.

The high king walks a few paces around his grand chamber and turns, facing the Bomb again. She notices how he twisted his lips into a smile. He squints his eyes and reveals a dangerous gleam. Queen Orlagh was toying with his emotions.

She wants to weaken me by showing me that Jude's life is in her hands.

"Tomorrow, she will force us into whatever position she wants us to be. She will emphasize that Jude's life rests in her hands - and that she will die if we disobey her. By not guaranting us her safety before the negotiations, she aims to stir up our emotions- especially Madocs - to act rashly and thus giving her the opening to go to war."

"What do you suppose we can do then, your majesty?" The bomb is impressed by Cardan's intelligence. Cardan never truly indulges himself with politics and strategy, so hearing him speak his thoughts so eloquently felt astonishing to the Bomb.

"Well what do you think? We will simply obey her."

"What?" The Bomb almost sat down in astonishment. "Forgive me High King, I didn't mean-"

"You're forgiven. But you've heard right. We will do as Queen Orlagh demands. If she demands me to marry Nicasia - then I will. If she demands my throne, I will give it to her even if it will kill me and her the same. If I don't act as if Jude is important, they will do to her as they please - and believe me when I say that there are things worse than death." Cardan steps to the window and looks out.

"So we will simply do as she says. And we will bring back Jude."

The Bomb felt a strange sensation overcome her. There wasn't the slightest hint of fear in Cardan's voice. He spoke soft and steady and stood tall. He was different from the first time she met him, and from the many times he was seen fooling around the court. The many times he took no consideration for his status and responsibilities. In that moment she felt utter admiration for the High King. The real High King of Elfhame. In that moment, another feeling began to creep inside her chest. Guilt. Teardrops formed in her eyes and she sunk to one knee.

Cardan sensed the change of atmosphere and looked at the Bomb who was kneeling, hiding her face.

"What are you doing?" Cardan looked at her confused.

"Liliver." She says, her voice low. A moment of silence. Louder, she once again begins to speak. "My name. It is Liliver" she looked up to him, portraying the same courage he spoke into existence a few moments ago.

Cardans eyes widen in surprise. Nobody has ever kneeled to him in that way. Nobody has ever displayed this set of respect and loyalty to him.

"Cardan, High King of Elfhame, I, Liliver, pledge to serve and obey you until the crown has passed from your hands, or death takes you from us."

Cardan takes a moment to grasp what has just happened. He feels honored. He feels seen.

"Very well Liliver. I Cardan, High King of Elfhame, accept your fealty and I swear to protect you as long as I wear this crown on my head, and until I take my last breath."

Thank you.

My heart is drowned with you.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz