Bonus: Headcanons but not actually headcannons

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If Jean was pregnant:

- Worried Diluc

- Happy Diluc

- Will spoil Jean and the baby

- Do everything for Jean

If Jean was hurt:

- I think you probably already know this one-

If Jean was sick:


If someone tried to insult Jean:

- Diluc would beat the hell outta that person

- Comforting Diluc (I mean like Diluc as a comforting person not the other way around-)

- "You need sum rest" Diluc

- Will do anything to cheer her up

If Jean had a kid (she does now that we have that adorable Klee chapter):

- "Knights of Favonius...tch" Diluc

- Spoiling the child

- Doing everything he can to help around the house, even though he will literally destroy it-

- Taking care of the baby and Jean constantly

- Suddenly sides on the baby's side rather than Jean's

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