[Roger, I'll be there in 10 min, you'll have time to kiss your boyfriend before he goes to the meeting, don't worry]

"Shut up. Just get your ass here", War hang the phone off with Prat laughing in the background and leaned back to the sofa in the waiting area.

It's been two weeks since him and Yin started working together and almost two weeks of them playing fake-boyfriend. So far, nothing happened to War yet, that's probably because still few who knew about them, however these past two weeks, the whole company already knew that they were 'dating'. The only people who knew about their deal are Bver and Prat, as they are Yin and War's respective assistants and also, Prom and Win. It's been a smooth sailing project so far, oddly they rarely went into a full blown fight, War still loved teasing Yin though and vice versa.

For their deal, so far both Yin and War had not yet gone past holding hands and small hugs. There haven't been any unexpected encounters with crazy ex so they don't need to show more PDA yet. War found it amusing how these past two weeks, he rarely had a fight with Yin. Unlike the past six years when they would always bicker every time they met. Well, War also didn't think he'd be able to tolerate Yin if he wasn't making effort getting to know Yin more. Yin is surprisingly a good listener, very understanding and a very considerate person. Almost every time a potentially huge fight about to break out over petty things, Yin would yield and let War win but he wouldn't hesitant to hold his ground if he's right. He'd be a good boyfriend, no, a good life partner even.

War quickly shook his head to clear his mind. He felt a shiver run through his body for having that kind of thought about Yin of all people.

"Oh you're still here? Prat hasn't come yet?"

Speaking of the devil, Yin just happened to walk out of the elevator with Bver following behind him. Right after War thought he'd be a good boyfriend, absolutely laughable.

"Probably 7 more minutes," War said while looking at his watch, "Going to the meeting now?", War said, already scouting his surrounding to see how many people might watch them.

"Yeah, I'll probably go back to my condo tonight, but I'll pick you up tomorrow okay? Don't sleep too late", Yin said, using his soft tone, picking up War's efforts in putting up the facade.

"Okay! Good luck with your meeting na~", War said standing up and following Yin out to the main entrance.

"Thanks babe, I'll head out now", Yin said but before he got into his car that the vallet had driven to the lobby with Bver following closely behind, he hugged War and patted his head.

Both Yin and War had gotten used to this level of PDA, if you could even call it that. Yin didn't think of anything else as Bver took the driver seat and drove them away from his office and a waving War. He didn't notice his ex was looking all this time and she waited until Yin had gone to approach War.

"You", War recognize the face right away.

"What are you doing, hugging my boyfriend?", She said, annoyingly so and War just laughed.

"Your boyfriend? I'm sorry miss, do you have amnesia that you forget he's broken up with you months ago?", War said, checking the time to estimate when Prat would pick him up.

"I never said yes to it. Beside, I think he's just confused and will take me back if I talk to him"

War just stared at this girl in front of him with unbiweldered expression, like the girl has grown to head.

"I don't think that's how break up works. Beside, I know what you did that make him dump you. Don't talk like he's stupid", War stood his ground.

"Ah is that so? What's your right to lecture me on this matter?", She said, folding her arms. This girl's attitude annoyed War

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